Finding your future in History

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Presentation on theme: "Finding your future in History"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding your future in History
Fueling student enthusiasm through research and digital learning Emma Roach-Barrette, Menifee County High School Rebecca Roach, Morehead State University

2 Goal This session will lead participants through the process of forming a thesis, collecting data from sources, creating a script and a digital documentary. A National History Day finalist will show her documentary and discuss how she found her career aspirations in her NHD project. Strategies for teachers who want to implement project based learning will be discussed.

3 Connecting to the Theme
2012 Revolt, Revolution, Reformation 2013 Turning Points 2014 Rights & Responsibilities in History 2015 Exploration, Encounter, Exchange in History 2016 Migration & Movement in History: People, Places, Ideas 2017 Taking a Stand in History

4 Find a Topic that Connects
Reform-Dead Men Do Tell Tales: The Reformation of the Coroner System in New York during the Progressive Era Thesis: Dr. Charles Norris successfully reformed the medico-legal system by ending the coroner system and creating a scientific, medical examiner system to collect crime evidence.

5 Find a Topic that Connects
Turning Point: The Dead Double Agent: A Turning Point for Italy Thesis: Operation Mincemeat Contributed to the fall of Mussolini by fooling Hitler into moving his troops from Sicily so that the Allies could invade.

6 Collecting Data From Sources
Books Articles Primary and Secondary Resources

7 Countless Hours of Reading
What supports my thesis?

8 Digital Research Documentaries-Discovery Library of Congress
New York Municipal Archives

9 Expert Interviews

10 Script Writing Tell a good story
Keep the pace- not too fast or too slow Stay consistent with the topic You have lots to say in very little time Choose the most important facts Show analysis-how and why

11 Making the Movie iMovie Keynote Garage Band You Tube for tutorials!

12 My future in History Critical thinking
Cause and Effect-How and why things happen Meeting professionals in the field-FBI Agent; former CIA Agent Networking Public Speaking Looks great on college and scholarship applications! ACT Reading Scores-Informational Text

13 Common Core State Standards Initiative
July 11, 2004 Common Core State Standards Initiative Dr. Laurie A. Henry Kentucky P20 Innovation Lab University of Kentucky Co-Director, College & Career Readiness Issues

14 Demonstrate independence Build strong content knowledge
July 11, 2004 Students who are college and career ready in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language Demonstrate independence Build strong content knowledge Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline Comprehend as well as critique Value evidence Use technology and digital media strategically and capably Come to understand other perspectives and cultures Outcomes Common Core State Standards Initiative, CPE, Dr. Laurie A. Henry Kentucky P20 Innovation Lab University of Kentucky Co-Director, College & Career Readiness Issues

15 CCSS for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

16 Design Principles CCR anchor standards and grade-specific standards
July 11, 2004 Design Principles CCR anchor standards and grade-specific standards Grade levels for K-8 and grade bands for 9-10/11-12 Increased focus on results/mastery of content Integrated model of literacy with emphasis on communication Inclusion of research and media skills Shared responsibility for students’ literacy development 1. CCR “anchor standards” are broadly conceived. Grade level standards are more explicit/specific in identifying essential knowledge and skills needed at each grade level. 2. Grade levels (K-8) provide specificity while grade bands at HS level provide more flexibility in educational programming by the district. 3. Focus on results provides flexibility in instructional delivery and freedom for teachers to draw on professional experiences to make educational decisions. 4. All elements of literacy (reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language) are integrated and connected with an emphasis on communication. UK is revising the GWR to be a Graduation Communications Requirement in the Major (oral, written, visual). 5. Include a focus on the ability to gather, comprehend, evaluate, synthesize and report on information and ideas and conducting research to answer questions or solve problems. (21c skills) 5. Emphasis on a shared responsbility and interdisciplinary approach to literacy development across content areas (history, social studies, science, and technical subjects).

17 But I have to teach content!
Charles Norris The Coroner System Progressive Era Prohibition Tammany Hall

18 But I have to teach content!
Operation Mincemeat Spies and MI6 WWI and WWII WWII Sicily Norm African Invasion The Blitz Spanish Civil War Amphibious Invasions

19 21st Century Collaboration Creativity Critical Thinking Communication
Problem Solving Decision Making

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