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The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid. WALT

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1 The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid. WALT
I can identify the key features of the Truman Doctrine; I can suggest ways in which the Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine were responsible for dividing Europe.

2 Look carefully at this source. Divide you paper into two columns
Look carefully at this source. Divide you paper into two columns. Label one column ‘What I can see’ and the other ‘What does it mean?’ Complete the first column only.

3 Why was the Truman Doctrine created?
Truman believed that the Soviets were trying to spread communism. Events in Greece. To put economic and military pressure on the Soviets to stop further expansion.

4 The Truman Doctrine, 12 March 1947.
I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support peoples who resist being enslaved by armed minorities or by outside pressure. I believe that we must help free peoples to work out their own destiny in their own way. What were the consequences of the Truman Doctrine? How significant was the Truman Doctrine?

5 Read through the information in the textbook about the Marshall Plan.
Give one reason why the USA introduced the Marshall Plan. What were the consequences of the Marshall Plan for Europe and international relations? What were the real reasons for the USA introducing the Marshall Plan? How to answer Focus on the key issue in the question; Begin your answer by giving the reason; Then give an explanation for the reason. How to answer Write down the key points in order of importance; Begin the answer with the words of the question; Fully explain the factor.

6 Return to the source we looked at initially and complete the second column using the knowledge you have gained from this lesson to help you with detailed points.

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