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Caron Transportation Systems Sleep Apnea Program

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1 Caron Transportation Systems Sleep Apnea Program

2 Definition of OSA OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) occurs when the upper airway repeatedly collapses during sleep, causing cessation of breathing (apnea) or inadequate breathing ( hypopnoea) and sleep fragmentation.

3 So what does this mean to the trucking industry?
Why should it be a concern to anyone who drives on our roadways or is responsible for someone who drives on the roadways.

4 Drivers with sleep apnea are 6 – 7 times more likely to be involved in auto accidents

5 Their reaction time is equivalent to someone with a blood alcohol level of 0.06

6 Drivers with severe sleep apnea are 460% more likely to be involved in a severe crash in a seven year period than driver’s without sleep apnea

7 Anticipated FMCSA Sleep Apnea Regulations
Our insurance broker informed us that a large national carrier tested 547 drivers for Obstructive Sleep Disorder( OSD). Of those tested, 445 were diagnosed with sleep apnea and all were treated.

8 There was a 200% increase in driver retention, a 73% reduction in accidents and a 91% reduction in hospital admissions.

9 It is anticipated that regulatory changes (FMCSA) will take place in the near future that will mandate testing of all commercial drivers before that person can obtain or renew their license.

10 It is also believed that an employer will be obligated to monitor the use of any prescribed device used to control the identified OSD disorder.

11 There will be additional responsibilities placed on every organization to become aware of this issue and implement programming, policies or procedures to stay in compliance.

12 We have reviewed all the available information and have decided as a responsible company we are going to be implementing a program for Obstructive Sleep Apnea testing in all our safety sensitive positions.

13 We have partnered with a company, Motion Specialties, that is currently working with several trucking companies in Ontario. They expect to be fully functional out here in a few months.

14 They will do the testing and monitoring of all our drivers to start then the rest of our safety sensitive positions. For new hires we will test every driver when they attend our orientation, so if needed they can be fitted with a CPAP machine before they are on the road on their own.

15 We will be introduce the program in 4 phases:
Education & Screening Testing Treatment Compliance

16 Education & Screening They will meet with the managers to introduce the program and provide an orientation to all employees.

17 They will meet with existing drivers and screen and/or test them.
For drivers who are currently using a CPAP, they will look at ensuring these devices fit into the new monitoring system

18 For new hires, they will meet and screen them during orientation
For new hires, they will meet and screen them during orientation. Once they see the results they will coordinate a Level 3 sleep test ( done at home).

19 Testing The level 3 sleep test results will be interpreted by Motion Specialties RRT’s ( Registered Respiratory Therapists), this is usually a same day turnaround.

20 If needed the employee will be given an appointment card for CPAP setup. If they require a Level 1 (in lab sleep study). It will be arranged at that time.

21 Treatment The RRT will complete a care plan on each employee identified as needing a CPAP to determine their baseline needs, adequate fittings and also provide any additional support when needed.

22 They will set up follow up appointments to ensure everything is working as expected and to answer any questions that the employee may have

23 Compliance All CPAP devices provided allow constant data gathering on daily use. We will receive regular usage readings as required.

24 In order to retain their Class 1 license, once a driver has tested positive for sleep apnea they are required to comply with the program in order to receive/maintain a certificate of clearance.

25 If they are not complying they will be reported and their license will be revoked.
Motion specialties said they have never had to report a driver for not being compliant


27 We plan on having this program up and running in the next few months and are looking forward to the positive results that we feel will be the outcome.


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