Vocabulary Scientific Method Standards of Measurement Graphing

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Scientific Method Standards of Measurement Graphing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Scientific Method Standards of Measurement Graphing Scientific Notation 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt

2 Educated guess or testable question.

3 Hypothesis

4 Organized set of investigation procedures used by scientists.

5 Scientific Method

6 Standard for comparison.

7 Control

8 Factor that is adjusted by the experimenter.

9 Independent Variable

10 Which axis does the dependent variable go on?

11 Y-axis

12 How many steps are in the Scientific Method?

13 6 steps

14 Which comes first? Procedure OR Problem?

15 Problem

16 Which step comes after Hypothesis?

17 Materials

18 What should you do if your experiment does not provide the same results?

19 Further Research

20 List the steps in order.

21 Problem Hypothesis Materials Procedure Data/Results Conclusion

22 What is the standard of measurement used worldwide?

23 International System of Units (SI)

24 What is the base unit for length?

25 meter

26 Kelvin is the base to measure what?

27 temperature

28 What is the word for the mass per unit volume of a material?

29 Density

30 Convert 6 dekagrams to milligrams.

31 60,000

32 How many types of graphs did we discuss in class?

33 3

34 Which graph shows trends or how the data changes over time?

35 Line Graph

36 Name the two types of bar graphs.

37 Horizontal Vertical

38 What is the alternate name of a pie graph?

39 Circle Graph

40 Which graph would you use to show this information?
MOTION OF AN OBJECT TIME (s) DISTANCE (m) 5 3 10 7 15 12 Which graph would you use to show this information?

41 Line Graph

42 Why is scientific notation used?

43 To express very large or very small numbers so problem solving is easier.

44 It is written as a product of 2 numbers
It is written as a product of 2 numbers. The _____ times the power of 10.

45 Coefficient

46 If decimal had to be moved to the right, the exponent is ____.

47 Negative

48 Coefficient must be between what two numbers?

49 ≥1 but ‹10

50 Write 0.0000021 in Scientific Notation.

51 2.1 x 10 ⁶

52 Final Jeopardy

53 Figure out the percent error: expected – 36 actual - 22

54 64%

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