Wake-up Which of the following is NOT homologous to the human arm?

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Presentation on theme: "Wake-up Which of the following is NOT homologous to the human arm?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wake-up Which of the following is NOT homologous to the human arm?
a. Whale forelimb b. Insect wing c. Bat forelimb Explain how a seal and penguin are an example of convergent evolution.

2 Wake-up A 15.5lbs baby was born in China and survived. How does this go against Natural Selection (sorry baby and family)? What is meant by fittest?

3 Wake-up Brown hair (B) is dominant to blond hair (b). There are 168 brown hairs in a population of 200. Find the frequency of the heterozygous genotype. Find the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype. Find the frequency of the homozygous recessive genotype.

4 Speciation Christopherson

5 What is Speciation? Formation of a new species; one species changing over time becoming two species

6 What is a species? Organisms that can interbreed and produce viable (usable) and fertile (able to reproduce) offspring

7 Can these birds interbreed????
NO: They have similar body and colorations, but are different species because of their songs and other behaviors; do not interbreed Can these birds interbreed???? Eastern Meadowlark Western Meadowlark

8 How does Speciation occur?
Biological barriers prevent species from producing viable and fertile offspring; reproductively isolated

9 Isolating mechanism: Geographic Isolation
Separation of of species by a geographical feature such as a river, mountain range, ocean, or desert


11 Darwin’s Finches Finch species have become adapted for different diets: seeds, insects, flowers, the blood of seabirds, and leaves.

12 Isolated by the Galapagos Islands

13 Harris Antelope Squirrel and Tassel Eared Squirrel in the Grand Canyon

14 Isolating mechanism: Habitat Isolation
Occurs when two species live in different habitats within the same area. Do not interbreed

15 Ex: Two species of Garter snakes-Thamnophis
One lives in water and the other is terrestrial (lives on land)

16 Ex - Lions and Tigers could interbreed, but live in different habitats
Lions live in the grasslands and tigers live in the forest

17 Isolating mechanism: Temporal Isolation
Species breed at different times of the day, different seasons, or different years Do not interbreed

18 Example: Skunks Western Spotted Skunk Eastern Spotted Skunk
Reproduce late summer Eastern Spotted Skunk Reproduce late winter

19 Example: Frogs

20 Isolating mechanism: Behavioral Isolation
Species have unique courtship behaviors to attract mates. Do no interbreed

21 Example: Blue Footed Booby

22 Example: Birds of Paradise Planet Earth: Jungles

23 *Example: Peacock Spider

24 Post-Reproductive Isolation
Interbreeding occurred Result: Unhealthy and Sterile if born at all

25 Can a zebra and a horse reproduce?
Horse has 64 chromosomes Zebra has 32/46 chromosomes depending on the species

26 Zorse: Infertile organism with 54 chromosomes

27 Can a horse and a donkey reproduce?
Horse has 64 chromosomes Donkey has 62 chromosomes

28 Mule: Has 63 chromosomes and very vigorous, but sterile

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