Our identity Shoolini university of biotechnology & management sciences was founded on the ethos of providing excellence in education & research. The.

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Presentation on theme: "Our identity Shoolini university of biotechnology & management sciences was founded on the ethos of providing excellence in education & research. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 A creative team is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others… 

2 Our identity Shoolini university of biotechnology & management sciences was founded on the ethos of providing excellence in education & research. The Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences came into existence in September, 2009 under the auspices of the Foundation for Life Sciences and Business Management. It is a non-profit multi-disciplinary private university with a vision to be a top 200 global university in next five years. In addition, we aspire to provide quality and relevant education to our students at an affordable and subsidized fee structure.


4 But it won't work without support.
Moksh This Spring, SU will join other major cities in creating an event to bring local artists, thinkers and community members together in a visionary, solutions-oriented way to take on big ideas and address issues of common concern to the residents of our city. But it won't work without support. We are looking to partner with innovative and engaged companies who believe in this city and its residents. That is why we invite you today to join us as an *Title Sponsor* of SU Technical cum Cultural Fest Moksh!

5 2 Days 50+ Events 40+ Universities 20+ Colleges 2000+ Participants 5000+ Footfall

6 What is moksh fest? the concept
“Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy.” Concept Disney Land Involvement Befikre

“A Unique city in the lap of Himalayas healing the souls with unique music and culture.”

8 When! 14th April & 15th of April 2k17

9 Who will be there? 5,000 influencers – active, involved and inquisitive Himalayan residents from every quadrant and neighborhood will come together to collaborate on our university's future. Top Class Universities and Colleges from all over India. Top localized Schools. Entrepreneurs Social Activists Academicians

10 Reaching out Moksh Fest will be a success because of the people who attend. With a commitment to a truly inclusive event, our outreach will speak to the widest cross section of the city: Local news coverage of the event as it is being planned. Community and Grassroots Media: Blogs, Listservs, Community-based Radio and TV Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and other social media Website updated regularly with new events and a platform for suggested events. Direct outreach with community groups and community influencers who will help shape the event and build interest.

11 Programming PREVIEW Games Film Production Cultural Technical Literary
Lifestyle Games Film Production Art & Craft Social Forum

12 Why Sponsor? “We’re approaching you because we think you personify our region’s values of Innovation, Collaboration, Imagination and Creativity. We’re asking you to join us by jumping in to help us design and build the best SU Moksh Fest. Now is the time to align your corporate identity with an inclusive, creative, innovative, forward-looking , talent search and problem-solving event.” Sponsorship will expose your brand to 5,000 in person and over thousands online. Brand Outreach in 40+ Universities and 20+ colleges in all over India. Brand Outreach in top Localized schools. Informational/Promotional Stalls or booths placed at strategic locations within the campus. Publicity through Banners , flexes , press releases , posters and TV ads.


14 GOLD Sponsors Largest and the most important sponsor
Platform to project itself as an organization supporting and encouraging a benevolent cause in the academia Incentives: The sponsor can setup one stall inside the college for first day and hoardings at the (Where Star nite will take place) 1. The Name and Logo shall be prominently displayed on the following: All posters & Banners at all the venues. Registration forms to be sent out to around 70+ Educational Institutions. On multimedia screen

15 GOLD Sponsors The sponsor may set up one stall for the whole first day. Regular announcements throughout the Fest. Listing in the Print Media. Banners of the channels to be put up around the campus

16 Silver Sponsor The Silver Sponsor will be an important sponsor at MOKSH 2k17. Not only will the sponsor get massive publicity and advertising out of the sponsorship, it will also give the company a strong platform to project itself as an organization supporting and encouraging a benevolent cause in the academia. Incentives: The Name and Logo shall be prominently displayed on the following: All posters & banners at all the venues. All invitation letters. Delegate Kits On multimedia screen

17 2.The sponsor may set up one stall at the Venue for some time duration .
3. Regular announcements throughout the Event. 4. Banners of the company to be put up around the campus. 5. The company may also distribute its printed literature to all the delegates.

18 BRONZE SPONSOR 3.Banners of the company to be put around the campus.
The Bronze sponsor will get large amounts of publicity out of the co - sponsorship. Besides that, it will also give the company an opportunity to project itself as an organization supporting and encouraging a benevolent cause in the academia. Incentives: The Name and Logo of the copper sponsor shall be displayed on the following: All posters & banners at all the venues. On multimedia screen Provision for Distribution of Pamphlets /Handouts during all the events. 3.Banners of the company to be put around the campus. 4. The Internet shall play an important role in promoting the event and shall provide many advertising opportunities 5. Name and logo of the Copper Sponsor shall appear on the Moksh 2k17 Website.

19 Partnership Avenues Online Partners Design Partners Beverage Partners Telecom Partners Radio Partners Media Partners Clothing Partners Gaming Partners Prize Partners News Partners Travel Partners Hospitality Partners Logistics Partners Apparel Partners Publicity Partners

20 Other Avenues Setting up kiosk in the college 10 Thousand INR Putting up banners in the college 10 Thousand INR (2 banners) 15 Thousand INR ( 4 banners) 20 Thousand INR (8 banners) Setting up a stall in the college 10 Thousand INR Advertisements during Star Night 10 Thousand INR

21 Thank you Vijay Dubey Student Organizer MOKSH 2k17 Shoolini University, Solan, H.P, Contact Details id-

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