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Circuit Lower Bounds A combinatorial approach to P vs NP

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1 Circuit Lower Bounds A combinatorial approach to P vs NP
Shachar Lovett

2 Computation Program Code Input Memory Program code is constant
Input has variable length (n) Run time, memory – grow with input length Efficient algorithms = run time, memory poly(n)

3 P vs NP P = problems we can solve
= efficient algorithm to find solution NP = problems we want to solve = efficient algorithm to verify solution Examples: graph 3-coloring, satisfiability ,…

4 Challenge How can you prove that some computational problems require >> polynomial time? In particular, one in NP Combinatorial approach: circuits Replace “uniform computation” by a more combinatorial object

5 Circuits Complex computation = iteration of many small simple computations Majority(X,Y,Z) OR AND AND AND x Y Z

6 Circuits Complex computation = iteration of many small simple computations Simple = any complete basis (e.g. AND,OR,NOT) x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 xn f(X1,…,Xn)

7 Algorithms vs circuits
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 xn f(X1,…,Xn) Input Memory Code Circuits are as powerful* as algorithms: Problems with efficient (poly-time) algorithms also have poly-size circuits Revised challenge: show poly-size circuits cannot solve all interesting computational problems

8 Lower bounds Goal: show poly-size circuits cannot solve NP
Can prove lower bounds for restricted circuit models Monotone circuits Bounded depth circuits General technique: Approximate circuit by a nice mathematical model Show the mathematical model cannot solve the problem (not even approximately)

9 Monotone circuits Monotone circuits: circuits with just AND-OR gates (no NOT gates) Compute monotone functions (e.g clique) Can clique have poly-size monotone circuits? [Razborov’85, Alon-Boppana’87]: No. Clique requires exponential size monotone circuits

10 Monotone circuits Input: n edges of graph G on mn1/2 vertices
Output: does G have large clique? Circuit: poly-size with AND-OR gates Step 1: approximate AND-OR circuit by lattice Step 2: show lattice cannot approximate clique x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 xn f(X1,…,Xn)

11 Bounded depth circuits
Small depth = parallel computation Efficient algorithms = poly(n) depth Can prove lower bounds for depth << log(n) x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 xn f(X1,…,Xn) depth

12 Lower bounds for AND-OR-NOT circuits
Parity(x1,…,xn) = sum of bits modulo 2 Computed by small AND-OR-NOT circuits of depth log(n) Can the depth be reduced, while maintaining small size? [Ajtai’83, Furst-Saxe-Sipser’84]: No. small (sub-exponential) AND-OR-NOT circuits of depth <<log(n) cannot compute parity [Yao’85, Hastad’86]: not even approximately

13 Lower bounds for AND-OR-NOT circuits
Main idea: random restrictions of input set most inputs bits to random 0,1 values; leave remaining variables “alive” Simple computations: AND, OR, NOT Gates with many inputs are fixed by random restriction Iterate to make entire circuit simple (decision tree) Parity doesn’t simplify (becomes parity of fewer inputs) X1 AND Xn

14 Lower bounds for AND-OR-NOT-PARITY circuits
What if we also allow parity gates as simple computations? MOD3(x1,…,xn) = sum of bits modulo 3 Intuition: parities shouldn’t help compute MOD3 [Razborov’87, Smolensky’87]: small (sub-exponential) AND-OR-NOT-PARITY circuits of depth <<log(n) cannot compute MOD3

15 Lower bounds for AND-OR-NOT-PARITY circuits
Local computation: AND, OR, NOT, PARITY Random restrictions fail: don’t simplify parity Can approximate local computations by low-degree polynomials modulo 2 (and by composition, approximate the entire circuit) Low degree polynomials modulo 2 cannot compute MOD3

16 Lower bounds for AND-OR-NOT-PARITY-MOD3 circuits
What if we allow both PARITY and MOD3 gates as simple computation? Conjecture: cannot compute MOD5 in small size and depth <<log(n) [Williams’10]: cannot compute all NEXP - exponential analog of NP (problems whose solution can be verified in exponential time)

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