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The Five Minds of a Manager: Henry Mintzberg Framework

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Presentation on theme: "The Five Minds of a Manager: Henry Mintzberg Framework"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Five Minds of a Manager: Henry Mintzberg Framework
Presenter: Prof. Zaki S. Seddigi

2 Presentation Overview
Paradigm Shift Leadership Mindsets (Mintzberg & colleagues) Conclusion Question/Answer

3 Paradigm Shift (That Happened)

4 Paradigm Shift (That is Happening)

5 If You Are Not Prepared…

6 1. Analytical Mindset: Role of Intuition

7 Analytical Mind is about Synthesis

8 Soft Data & New Trends

9 2. Situational Mindset

10 3. Collaborative Mindset: Human Dignity
People as Ends not Means Focusing and bringing back the “H” in HRM “Not me! Feel free to let yourself be called a human resource. I am a human being, thank you. Not even a human asset, let alone human capital. Enough of the demeaning vocabulary of economics—turning us all into things. Resources are things we throw away when we no longer need them. Is that how to build a great enterprise: by throwing away the human beings? (It’s politely called “downsizing”.) Airlines used to refer to passengers as “self-loading cargo.” Are the HR words really any better?”—Henry Mintzberg

11 Semco: From Bankruptcy to Billion Dollar Company
Attendance at all company meetings is voluntary. Two of the company’s eight board seats are held on a first come first served basis, open to any worker. Semco has no business plan, no mission statement, no long term budget, no HR department, no VP of IT, no COO, no fixed CEO, no dress code, nobody approves expense accounts. Workers choose their own training

12 4. Action Mindset: Influencing Change

13 5. Reflective Mindset From Taking to Giving Intent


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