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Empowering consumers through ingredients and nutrition information for beer Rolling out a voluntary commitment from Europe’s brewers to list ingredients.

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1 Empowering consumers through ingredients and nutrition information for beer
Rolling out a voluntary commitment from Europe’s brewers to list ingredients and provide the nutrition declarations for our beers 18 October 2017, European Parliament

2 The Brewers of Europe United voice of Europe’s beer sector since 1958.
Representing 29 National Associations and the interests of over 7000 breweries (multinationals, national, regional and local SMEs). Over 35 billion litres of beer consumed in the EU annually, of which one third in horeca. Estimated 50,000 different beer brands and over 80 different beer styles. Europe’s brewers are rightly proud of their beers and the ingredients they use.

3 Our 2015 commitment: Going beyond current EU law
Alcoholic beverages over 1.2% ABV currently exempt in FIC Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 from ingredients listing and nutrition declarations. The FIC Regulation does though lay down clearly the rules for any producer voluntarily providing this information – essentially the same rules and reference measures as they apply to non-alcoholic beverages. Whilst awaiting the Commission’s report on alcohol labelling, the brewing sector thus announced in March 2015 its intention to list ingredients and nutritional values on beers across Europe, following the rules as laid down in the FIC Regulation.

4 Empowering consumers With a growing interest in leading balanced lifestyles, consumers are entitled to facts enabling informed decisions, including ingredients and nutritional information for alcoholic beverages. The GfK survey of Europeans showed:- Increasing demand for ingredients and nutrition information on alcoholic beverages. The importance of providing both ingredients and nutrition values in the same way as applies to non- alcoholic beverages.

5 Our commitment: A progressive roll-out
The FIC Regulation lays down clearly the rules to follow when listing ingredients and nutrition values, whether voluntary or mandatory. Brewers are listing ingredients in descending order of weight, with potential allergens highlighted. Brewers are providing nutrition values on their brands per 100ml, with an option in the FIC for alcoholic beverages to solely provide energy information, and the possibility to supplement the 100ml values with information per portion too. A progressive approach is being applied, taking account of different starting points, the transitional period required to implement and extra costs, in particular for SMEs. Companies are also providing information online, taking advantage of the increasing usage and potential offered by new technologies to inform consumers, also recognising that a third of beer is consumed in the on-trade and often served on tap - the ultimate goal being better informed consumers.

6 How are we progressing? Current estimates:
70-80% of pre-packed beer in the EU now lists the ingredients. Around a third of pre-packed beer now labels calories, whilst online information is being rolled out on brand and corporate sites. Much of the focus in the next six months will be on:- Increased calorie info roll-out. Support to SMEs in particular. Robust monitoring methodology. A joint industry proposal.

7 Progress on a joint industry proposal
March 2017 Commission report “The Commission has not identified objective grounds that would justify the absence of information on ingredients and nutrition information on alcoholic beverages or a differentiated treatment for some alcoholic beverages.” “It therefore invites the industry to respond to consumers' expectations and present within a year of adoption of this report a self-regulatory proposal that would cover the entire sector of alcoholic beverages.” In spite of some much publicised differences of opinion on the approach to take in relation to ingredients listing and nutrition information for alcoholic beverages, the concerned sectors meet on a regular basis with the objective of coming forward by March with a joint proposal in response to the Commission’s call. The Brewers of Europe is clear that any proposal must be fully in line with the rules as laid down in the FIC Regulation and, in the event of any EU legislative proposal, a level playing field amongst alcoholic beverages is paramount.

8 In conclusion The Brewers of Europe remains focused on the roll-out of its March commitment to voluntarily implement Regulation (EU) 1169/2011 and list beers’ ingredients and nutrition information per 100ml. We are on track, though this work will continue up until March 2018 and beyond. Between now and March 2018 The Brewers of Europe will also continue to encourage the other sectors to follow its ambitious approach and come forward with the most comprehensive proposal possible in response to the 2017 report of the European Commission. Thank you for listening.

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