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James Johnson Northwestern University & Argonne National Lab

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1 A Measurement of Two-Photon Exchange in Unpolarized Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering
James Johnson Northwestern University & Argonne National Lab For the Rosen07 Collaboration I am the graduate student working on this particular experiment Three experiments in the collaboration

2 Outline The electromagnetic interactions of the proton are described by two form factors, GE (Q2) and GM(Q2) Two methods of extraction, but their results don’t agree Leading candidate is two-photon exchange Parameterize the proton charge and magnetic moment distributions – in nonrel. Limit, Fourier transforms

3 Prior Experiments Rosenbluth Scattering
Measure electron-proton scattering Factor out Mott cross section, and get a function linear in the squares of the form factors τGM2 + εGE2 Polarization Transfer Scatter longitudinally polarized electrons from unpolarized protons The ratio GE/GM is proportional to pT/pL Does not give form factors directly Rosenbluth: angular dependant function Tau – proportional to momentum transfer, Q^2 / (4*Mp^2) Epsilon – angular dependant, virtual photon longitudinal polarization, (1 + 2*(1+tau) * tan^2 (theta_e/2))^-1 G_E/G_M = p_T/p_L * (E-E’)/(2*Mp) * tan(theta_e/2)

4 Disagreement Rosenbluth gives a ratio that stays flat
The errors on GE increase with Q2 Polarization transfer shows a decreasing ratio Smaller errors at high Q2 Implies a difference between charge and magnetic distributions It was suggested that there may be a problem inherent in the Rosenbluth method to cause these errors J. Arrington, Phys. Rev. C69:022201, 2004 M. Jones et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84: , 2000 O. Gayou et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88:092301, 2002

5 Precision Rosenbluth JLab E01-001
Detect scattered protons instead of electrons Same reaction, smaller angular dependant corrections Precision comparable to polarization transfer Agrees with electron Rosenbluth The disagreement is real High-precision measurement of the discrepancy I. A. Qattan et. al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94:142301, 2005

6 Magnitude of the Discrepancy
Shows the difference increasing as we increase Q^2 5-8% correction on reduced cross section Solid line – fit to E ‘Super-Rosenbluth’ Dashed line – taken from polarization transfer ratio

7 Two-Photon Exchange Both methods account for radiative corrections, but neither considers two-photon exchange Difficult to Calculate Rough qualitative agreement Different ε dependence Scale not predicted Delta is the percentage change in the cross section

8 Rosenbluth 2007 JLab E05-017 HMS in Hall C at Jefferson Lab
4cm liquid hydrogen target for elastics 4cm aluminum dummy for endcap subtraction May 8 – July 13, 2007 Add picture of HMS

9 Rosenbluth 2007 102 Kinematics points Q2 0.40-5.76 GeV2
13 points at Q2=0.983 10 points at Q2=2.284 Kinematics taken Each solid, colored line is a different beam energy, data is where the lines intersect our Q^2 values In particular, very low- and very high-epsilon points, where there is little previous data 16 Q^2 values 17 Ebeam values, range At each Q^2, several points for an L-T seperation

10 Time of Flight Calibration
Acceptance cuts Solid – full delta-β spectrum Small dashes - Aerogel cut to exclude pions Large dashes - Beta cut to exclude deuterons

11 Time of Flight Calibration
Six total calibrations Three momentum ranges Before/After discriminator replacement Solid line – uncalibrated Dashed line - calibrated

12 Aerogel Calibration Aerogel distinguishes π+ from heavier particles
Fit the position of the 1-photoelectron peak Not possible on runs with low pion count due to interference from the pedestal

13 Analysis Steps Sum data & dummy runs at selected kinematic
Simulate elastics, pion photoproduction, compton scattering Scale all to corrected charges Fit dummy + simulations to the data Extract ratio of simulation cross-section to actual cross-section

14 Charge Correction Included so far Not yet included
Computer & Electronics livetimes, Scintillator ¾ efficiency, Prescale, VDC tracking efficiency, BCM Calibration, Target boiling Not yet included Particle Identification efficiency, Proton Absorbtion, Beam offset

15 Charge Correction Particle Identification Efficiency Proton Absorption
Using delta-beta cut, need to find cut tails Proton Absorption Incomplete information on a few materials Beam Offset Surveyed using carbon target

16 Unpeeling Data/SIMC resolution mismatch Background xptar dependence
Non-gaussian tails in SIMC Background ‘Dummy’ runs for endcap subtraction Simulated pi-0 photoproduction Solid – data Black dotted – sum of dummy, simulations Elastics – adding nongaussian tails Resolution – xptar correction

17 Nonlinearity Tests Rosenbluth expects linearity in ε, TPE would cause a deviation E and NE11 show quadratic terms consistent with zero Project P2 within ±0.020 for E05-017 NE-eleven is the best standard Rosenbluth, performed at SLAC 2.5 GeV^2 GeV^2 Projection is at Q^2 of 2.56 GeV2 NE11: L. Andivahis et al, Phys. Rev. D50:5491, 1994

18 Conclusion Projected Uncertainties More Q2 points Analysis underway
Shifted range down Better separations at each Q2 Analysis underway From proposal

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