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US History SSUSH10-12 Review.

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Presentation on theme: "US History SSUSH10-12 Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 US History SSUSH10-12 Review

2 Final Jeopardy Reconstruction Laws Westward Immigration Random $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 The first federal relief agency that was designed to provide help to freed slaves.
Freedman’s Bureau

4 What were Freed Slaves that fought in the western territories against Native Americans called?
Buffalo Soldiers

5 Presidential Reconstruction
Which form of reconstruction was considered more lenient? Presidential Reconstruction

6 To maintain white control
What was the goal of black codes? To maintain white control

7 He violated the Tenure of Office Act
Why did Congress Impeach President Johnson? He violated the Tenure of Office Act

8 What 3 amendments are considered the “civil war amendments”?
13th, 14th, 15th

9 Which amendment gave black men the right to vote?

10 Gender was left out- women were not given the right to vote
Why were women upset at the passing of the 14th amendment? Gender was left out- women were not given the right to vote


12 Which law was passed that limited immigration from China
Chinese Exclusion Act

13 What law passed in 1921 changed the structure of the American Immigration System?
Emergency Quota Act

14 What invention made westward travel easier?

15 What 2 immigrant groups helped build the transcontinental railroad?
Irish and Chinese

16 What was the name of the last battle between the US and Native Americans?
Wounded Knee

17 Business thrived because products could be shipped anywhere
How did the building of the railroads affect big business in America? Business thrived because products could be shipped anywhere

18 It connected the eastern and western regions of the nation
What was the purpose of the transcontinental railroad? It connected the eastern and western regions of the nation

19 Which immigration station did European Immigrants enter though?
Ellis Island

20 What is the term used to describe a culturally diverse nation?
Cultural Pluralism

21 From what nation did the US ban immigration from in 1882?

22 What term refers to a dislike of immigrants and preference for White Americans?

23 The term used to describe neighborhood that were culturally specific
Ethnic Ghettos

24 A group of workers who come together to fight for better conditions
What is a labor union? A group of workers who come together to fight for better conditions

25 What laws were create to maintain slave like conditions for freed slaves?
Black Codes

26 American Federation of Labor
Name the first labor union in America. American Federation of Labor

27 The government took the side of the bosses
What was the government’s role in early labor union disputes? The government took the side of the bosses

28 What is the difference between a monopoly and a trust?
A monopoly maintains control over one product, a trust unites companies under one business

29 FINAL JEOPARDY Essay Questions ?

30 1. How does the Coke commercial demonstrate cultural pluralism in America today?
2. What strategies were used by Southern Whites to control freed slaves after the Civil War? 3. Describe working and living conditions for immigrants in cities between

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