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Women’s Empowerment
© 2009 Kyaw Thar, Courtesy of Photoshare
Women’s employment and earnings Decision making Attitudes towards wife beating © 2009 Kyaw Thar, Courtesy of Photoshare
Employment Percent of currently married women and men age who were employed in 12 months before the survey More men were employed in the last year than women. Only 71% of women compared to 99% of men were employed.
Type of Payment Percent distribution of payment type among currently married women and men age who were employed in 12 months before the survey The large majority of working women and men earn cash. Cash earnings are similar among women and men.
Control over Woman’s Earnings
Among currently married women age who received cash earnings, percent distribution by person who decides how woman’s earnings are used Half of women who are currently employed and earning cash made independent decisions on how to spend their earnings. 41% of married working women made joint decisions with their husbands on cash earnings while 6% report that their husbands made the decision alone.
Comparing Woman’s and Partner’s Earnings
Among currently married women age who received cash earnings, percent distribution by whether wife earned more or less than her husband Almost 60% of women report earning less than their husbands. 15% of women earn more and 24% earn about the same than their husbands.
Ownership of House and Land
Percent of women and men age 15-49 About half of women and men own a house alone or jointly; the same percentage own land alone or jointly
© 2009 Kyaw Thar, Courtesy of Photoshare
Women’s employment and earnings Decision making Attitudes towards wife beating © 2009 Kyaw Thar, Courtesy of Photoshare
Women’s Participation in Decision Making
Percent of currently married women age who usually make specific decisions by themselves or jointly with their husband The MDHS asked currently married women about their participation in three types of household decisions: her own health care, making major household purchases, and visits to family or relatives. 88% of women have sole or joint decision-making power about visiting family or relatives, while 74% participate in decisions about major household purchases. 83% of married women participate in decisions about their own health care. 5% do not participate in any of the three decisions; more than 6 in 10 women report that they participate in all three decisions.
Men’s Participation in Decision Making
Percent of currently married men age who usually make specific decisions by themselves or jointly with their wife Comparatively, the MDHS also asked currently married men about their participation in two types of household decisions: their own health care and making major household purchases. Most men participate in decision making about their own health care (72%) as well as in making major household purchases (85%). Overall, 66% of men participate in both decisions, and 10% participate in neither decision.
© 2009 Kyaw Thar, Courtesy of Photoshare
Women’s employment and earnings Decision making Attitudes towards wife beating © 2009 Kyaw Thar, Courtesy of Photoshare
Attitudes towards Wife Beating
Percent of women and men age who agree that a husband is justified in beating his wife under certain circumstances The MDHS asked female and male respondents if they think a husband is justified in beating his wife under a series of circumstances: wife burns the food, wife argues with him, wife goes out without telling him, wife neglects the children, and wife refuses to have sex with him. Overall,about half of women and men agree that wife beating is justified in at least some cases. Neglecting the children is the most commonly cited justification for wife beating.
Attitudes towards Wife Beating
Percent of women and men age who agree that a husband is justified in beating his wife under certain circumstances The MDHS also asked 2 additional questions about wife beating: Whether or not a husband is justified in beating his wife if she refuses to use contraception or if she is involved in too much social activity. 10% of women and men say that refusing to use contraception is a justification for wife beating, while being involved in too much social activity is a more common justification.
Key Findings 71% of currently married women were employed in the last year. 59% of women earn less than their husbands. 65% of currently married women participate in all 3 decisions. 51% of women and 49% of men believe that a husband is justified in beating his wife under certain circumstances.
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Domestic Violence
Experience of Physical Violence
15% of Myanmar women have ever experienced physical violence (since age 15) 9% have experienced physical violence recently (in the year before the survey)
Perpetrators of Physical Violence
Among ever-married women, 68% report experiencing physical violence committed by a current husband. 24% report that the physical violence was committed by a former husband Among never-married women, parents are the most common perpetrator of violence – 44% report experiencing physical violence committed by a mother/step-mother 34% report experiencing physical violence committed by a father/step-father
Experience of Sexual Violence
3% of Myanmar women have ever experienced sexual violence (since age 15) 2% have experienced sexual violence recently (in the year before the survey)
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence
Among ever-married women, 56% report experiencing sexual violence committed by a current husband, and 43% by a former husband.
Spousal Violence Percent of ever-married women age who have ever experienced violence committed by their husband Spousal violence is physical, sexual, or emotional abuse committed by a husband or intimate partner. 15% of ever-married women report that they have ever experienced physical violence by their husband/partner, which is the most common form of spousal violence. Emotional violence (14%) and sexual violence (3%) are less common. 21% of ever-married women have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional violence.
Forms of Spousal Violence
The most commonly reported forms of violence ever experienced are: Form of violence % ever experienced Pushed her/shook her/threw something at her 10% Slapped her 11% Insulted her or made her feel bad about herself 12%
Domestic Violence by Wealth
Percent of ever-married women age who have ever experienced emotional, physical, or sexual violence by their husband Women in the wealthiest households are least likely to report having experienced domestic violence Poorest households Wealthiest households
Domestic Violence by Husband’s Alcohol Consumption
Percent of ever-married women age who have ever experienced emotional, physical, or sexual violence by their husband Women whos husbands are often drunk are most likely to report experiencing domestic violence. But still, even 12% of women whose husbands do not drink alcohol experience domestic violence.
Violence against their Spouse
Percent of ever-married women age who have committed physical violence against their husband when he was not already beating or physically hurting her 8% of women report having committed violence against their husband.
Help Seeking Behavior Percent of women age who have ever experienced physical or sexual violence Among those who sought help, 53% sought help from their own families; 27% went to a neighbor 22% of women who have ever experienced physical or sexual violence have sought help to stop violence; 37% of women never sought help or told anyone about the violence; and 40% of women never sought help, but told someone.
Key Findings 15% of women have ever experienced physical violence.
3% of women have ever experienced sexual violence. 21% of ever-married women have ever experienced physical, emotional, or sexual violence committed by their husband Most women do not seek help when they experience domestic violence.
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