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Voltage And you.

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1 Voltage And you

2 A small positive test charge (qo) would move from point A to B
* F = E qo (parallel to F = ma) qo pt. A qo has more EPE than qof Volt = electric potential = J/C qof pt.B (potential difference, electromotor force, EMF)

3 SO VOLTAGE IS: A measure of the difference in electric potential at 2 separate points (or terminals on a battery) This electric potential is transformed into other forms of energy (kinetic, heat, light) If charges flow then potential can equalize

4 Battery example: ++ charges not equalized = ++ Potential difference present ++ therefore voltage present + + charges equalized = + + no potential difference + + = no voltage

5 What can be done with voltage
All electronic devices transform EPE into other forms of energy – through the movement of charges (light, heat, magnetic fields)

6 EX: Transatlantic cable – Morris code communications
When the war of 1812 treaty was signed in Europe, the fighting did not stop across the Atlantic for weeks – because there was no way to communicate ~ 1850 work began on first transatlantic cable Very heavy and thick – problems with breaking, sinking to bottom of ocean

7 Voltage and EPE are measureable only in terms of work – one point relative to another point (just like GPE at one height is relative to GPE at an arbitrary zero point)

8 Back to the Voltage Basics
A + chg. accelerates from region of high electric potential (voltage) to regions of low electric potential. A – chg. Accelerates from regions of low to high electric potential

9 Voltage equation summary:
V = Joules/Coulomb = RI (resistance x current) = Ohm’s law Show PHET battery simulation R = resistance to the flow of charges Units of resistance: Ohm

10 Electrodynamics investigation introduction
Flow of charges = current (I) = charge/time = Δq/Δt 1 coulomb/ 1 sec = Ampere (amps) DC = direct current (moves in same direction) AC = alternating current (changes directions)

11 POST LAB Battery voltage has no voltage oscillations = DC = direct current In series has additive effect on voltage

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