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National Forum on Guidance

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1 National Forum on Guidance
Welcome National Forum on Guidance Wednesday 18th October 2017 Jennifer McKenzie Director NCGE

2 “Addressing the challenge of Diversity for Guidance”
– not the new normal, the now normal National Forum on Guidance Wednesday 18th October 2017 Jennifer McKenzie Director NCGE

3 DES Action Plan for Education 2017
Goal 1: Improve the learning experience and the success of learners Enhance well-being in our school communities: Fostering the personal development, health and well-being of learners and the wider school community helps to ensure that our children and young people develop resilience, have respect for diversity, learn to create and maintain supportive relationships and become active and responsible citizens in society.

4 What is Guidance? Definitions ……Facilitate the individual to make his / her own life choices & develop his / her career decision making skills Where the client / student / person is at Personal / social / careers / educational choices and outcomes Informed / know where & how to access the information Impartial / Unbiased

5 Quality Assurance in Guidance
5 key elements: Practitioner competence Citizen/User Involvement Service Provision and Improvement Cost Benefit to Individual Cost Benefit to Government (management?)

6 Today’s Theme and Discussion
Addressing the challenge of Diversity for Guidance – not the new normal, the now normal

7 Speakers today 1. Sandra Healy, Head of Diversity and Inclusion,
DCU Equality Office 2. Jessica Farnan, Manager, CDETB Separated Children's Service and Ahmed Mansour, DCYA’s Youth Employment Initiative, 110% Project 3. Michelle Kinsella , Development & Support Officer and Donald Ewing, Head of Psychological Services, Dyslexia Association of Ireland 4. Carol-Anne O’Brien, Director of Advocacy, BeLonG To

8 Jennifer McKenzie, Director NCGE
Thank You Go raibh maith agaibh Jennifer McKenzie, Director NCGE


10 National Forum on Guidance 18 October 2017
Group Discussion National Forum on Guidance 18 October 2017

11 Individual Reflection Exercise
In your guidance practice/organisation, do you/ your organisation currently deliver guidance to those defined in the context of this Forum? What are the current challenges for you in delivery of your guidance service? What immediate learnings have you received now?

12 Group Discussion Name some challenges that you have experienced in your own guidance delivery to individuals or groups within the context of this Forum. In the context of this Forum:- What supports do you currently use in delivery to individuals or groups? (B) What additional supports would you consider using now ? 3. Is there any particular further area of training/CPD that you feel would aid you in customising guidance delivery within the context of this Forum? 4. Name one learning from today that would impact directly on your future guidance provision, and how…


14 Final thougths …. Are there things we can do differently / more of?
Work experience – no business connections in the wider community ? Different family expectations – have we explained the role of guidance to “newcomer” families? Are we doing assessments that don’t suit people with Dyslexia – have we considered Dyslexia as an issue for adult clients? Do we really understand the guidance issues facing LGBTI young people and adults?

15 Next steps…. Review all the comments / feedback / discussion
Forum report made available on Look at further collaboration/co-operation with organisations to develop resources if applicable Possible CPD delivery Your feedback is always welcome – online survey / evaluation of the Forum today

16 Jennifer McKenzie, Director NCGE
Thank You Go raibh maith agaibh Jennifer McKenzie, Director NCGE


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