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BIOL Lab 10 Urinary system

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1 BIOL 204 - Lab 10 Urinary system

2 Objective 1 Organs of the Urinary System
(2) Kidneys which manufacture urine (2) Ureters which transport urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder (1) Urinary bladder that stores urine prior to micturition (elimination) (1) Urethra that carries urine to the surface of the body

3 Objective 2 Kidney Anatomy
Renal Hilus: Area where the renal artery, renal vein, ureter and nerves attach to the kidney                               

4 The retroperitoneal kidneys are covered with three layers of connective tissue:
1. Renal Fascia (Outer) Adipose Capsule Renal Capsule (Inner)

5 Renal (fibrous) Capsule:
inner layer thin, transparent, dense irregular connective tissue covering which provides a strong barrier preventing the spread of infections to the kidney has a minor role in protecting the kidney from physical trauma

6 Internally, the kidney is divided into a:
Cortex: outer, granular appearing tissue Medulla: inner region made of renal pyramids Renal Pelvis: adjacent to the renal hilus

7 Renal Columns: extensions of cortical tissue that lie between pyramids
Renal papillae: tips of pyramids Major Calyx: portion of the urine collection system that drains several minor calyces Minor Calyx: portion of the urine collection system that drains one pyramid


9 Blood Supply

10 Circulation to Nephrons


12 Objective Nephrons Nephron: the functional unit of the kidney; it is a microscopic tubular structure that filters the blood and manufactures urine there are over 1 million nephrons per kidney


14 Renal Corpuscle Microscopic View

15 Glomeruli and Collecting Ducts

16 Collecting Duct and Brush Border

17 Classes of Nephrons Cortical nephron:
almost entirely located in the cortex represent about % of all nephrons they produce urine Juxta medullary nephron: located close to the cortical/medullary junction the loops of Henle dip deeply into the pyramids of the medulla they represent 15-25% of all nephrons these nephrons make urine too but, additionally, they are important in the conservation of water

18 Arcuate Artery and Vein – Cross Section

19 Ureters/Urinary Bladder/Urethra




23 Objective Cat Anatomy Female

24 Kidney, Ureter and Urinary Bladder

25 1. Renal Capsule 2. Renal Cortex 3. Renal Medulla 4. Renal Pyramid 5.
                                                           1. Renal Capsule 2. Renal Cortex 3. Renal Medulla 4. Renal Pyramid 5. Renal Pelvis 6. Renal Column 7. Renal Calyx 8. Ureter

26 Renal Artery/Vein 5. Testes Ureter 6. Penis
                                                 Kidney Bladder Renal Artery/Vein 5. Testes Ureter Penis

27                                                 Kidney Ureter Uterine Horns 6. Ovary Body of the Uterus 7. Adrenal Glands Urinary Bladder

28 Normal Human Kidney Unfixed
Ureter Renal Hilus Normal Human Kidney Unfixed

29 Kidney Dissection: Renal Cortex Kidney Injected With Latex
Columns Renal Cortex Pyramids Kidney Injected With Latex -red (arteries), blue (veins), yellow (urine)

30 Objective 5 Urinalysis Characteristics of Urine
Test the Initial sample for: Color transparency pH presence of substances volume specific gravity sodium chloride concentration Test subsequent samples for: Variables: Water, salty chips, gatorade , mountain dew



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