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Unit 3 : University Program Research

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1 Unit 3 : University Program Research
The program I am choosing to research is at UBC and that is Astronomy in the faculty of science. Now I will discuss the following topics about this program admission requirements Cost for one year (tuition, books, housing, transport, food, etc.) Length of program Courses you would take in the program scholarships you could apply to why you think you might like the program, etc.

2 Courses you would take in the program
In this program with my first year I found sample of some courses I would take ASTR 205 – Stars and Stellar Populations -ASTR 333 – Exoplanets and Astrobiology -ASTR 403 – Cosmology -ASTR 406 – High-Energy Astrophysics These courses are as a first year undergraduate student

3 why you think you might like the program, etc.
YES YES YES ONE MILLION TIMES YES. Why so many duplicates of the answer yes , one answer , I love astronomy. I really have a deep love for space and all there is to it so studying it and making a potential career out of it would be as the French say for amazing incroyable. Ever since I was little I imagined myself being the person to discover more about the planet and to really find out whats out there.

4 scholarships you could apply to
If talking in the perspective of me since I am a Canadian citizen I believe there are more scholarship opportunities. There are many scholarships outside of UBC you could apply to but there are so for just UBC that they do give out. I would be eligible for UBC entrance grants scholarships/entrance-award/ as a first year student to help pay off the cost Also as a Canadian resident I am eligible for UBC undergraduate students in which those can also help pay off whatever cost. scholarships/canada-scholarships/ Even thought I wouldn’t be a international student if I attended UBC , the university does hold scholarship opportunities for many international students.

5 Length of program The length of this Astronomy program is 4 years to earn a Bachelor of Science From that you can add on years to receive a phD and masters to start teaching as University professors and for large organizations.

6 Cost for one year (tuition, books, housing, transport, food, etc.)
So using the UBC website I decided to see how much the program for sciences cost using which happened to be $4, Then to get a more detailed imagine I went to ubc’s online cost calculator and filled out all information. Supposing I was a Canadian citizen living in a shared 2 person dorm with no scholarship money saved up or having any loans or help form my parents to cost for a year for sciences would be Educational costs subtotal $7, ( books program tuition $10, for housing groceries start up insurance utilities Other costs subtotal $2, ( estimation) ( hobbies phone clothing ) which totals up to a awesome number of $20, But that is with no loan . Help from other sources , or scholoarships.

7 admission requirements
The admission requirements are different depending on the province or where your from : since im from British Columbia I was in the bc+yukon section. The minimum for ubc is at least 80% and higher for most courses I would need : English 12 or English 12 First Peoples Principles of Mathematics 12 or Pre-Calculus 12 (minimum 67%) other approved Grade 12 courses, including at least one of Biology 12, Chemistry 12, Geology 12, or Physics 12 And : English 11 plus a language 11 Mathematics 11 [2] Physics 11 and Chemistry 11 An approved Social Studies course

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