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1 Japan


3 Japan Japanese cultural development was influenced by proximity to China. Shinto and Buddhism coexisted as religious traditions in the Japanese culture.

4 Japan’s Location & Place
Japan is a mountainous archipelago Archipelago: a chain of islands Japan has 4 main islands & numerous smaller ones Close to China and Korea The Sea of Japan and the East China Sea separate Japan from the Asian mainland Part of the Pacific Ring of Fire

5 Japan’s Location & Place
Only 17% of land usable for farming Lots of rain and sunlight = good farming Experiences many earthquakes, tidal waves, and typhoons (hurricanes)

6 Influence of Chinese Culture
Writing Architecture Buddhism

7 Shinto Ancestors are seen as important.
Shinto is an ancient Japanese religion (only Japan) Shinto means “the way of the gods.” Emphasizes the importance of: Nature (natural forces) Ancestors Rituals performed to please kami (spirits) State religion: worship of the emperor Ancestors are seen as important. Includes gods called Kami, meaning superior. Kami promote fertility in crops and people Shinto is more a set of prayers to please the Kami than it is a true religion.


9 Buddhism in Japan Spreads to Japan from China in 550AD
Japanese worshipped both Shintoism and Buddhism. Spread of Buddhism led to the spread of other Chinese ideas: Japanese developed out of Chinese writing. Japanese architecture or building style copied many Chinese styles.

10 Bushido & Seppuku Bushido: A code of conduct for Samurai
stressed bravery, loyalty, and honor Samurai had to experience great physical pain and hardship without complaining. They could not fear death. Seppuku: a form of ceremonial suicide Samurai commit suicide as an honorable way to avoid torture, execution, or defeat in battle.

11 Japan’s Dynasty Only one dynasty ruled Japan!
660BC to 1945AD (2605 years!) No need for dynastic cycle or Mandate of Heaven. Emperors are considered the descendent of the sun goddess. They are worshipped as part of Shinto beliefs.

12 Feudalism in Japan Feudalism: a political and military system in which individuals receive things in return for loyalty, military assistance, and other services. How does this work? Emperor can’t do everything, and can’t control everyone. So he gives the most important families areas of land and responsibilities if they support and obey him. These families then divide their land among powerful friends, in exchange for loyalty and support. This continues until only the common people are left. They are almost slaves to the person above them.

13 Feudal Japan Who is the official ruler of Japan? Who had real power?
What is a Daimyos? What is a Samurai? What code did the Samurai follow? What two religions did the Common people believe in at the same time? Japan adopted many ideas from what nearby nation?

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