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Week 43– Working Through Our Doubts.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 43– Working Through Our Doubts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 43– Working Through Our Doubts

2 The issue is not do we doubt but rather what we doubt


4 The Physics of Hitting a 90mph fastball
batter decides to hit secs placement of bat secs swing of bat secs Total Time .45 secs ball traveling 90 mph will reach home plate (60.5feet away) in .4 secs

5 Unexplainable Undeniable

6 What are the beliefs that you hold that God would challenge?
Question: What are the beliefs that you hold that God would challenge?

7 Unexplainable Undeniable

8 Question: Will you worship Jesus even as you work through your questions, like the blind man did who is now able to see?

9 Undeniable Unexplainable

10 “God, I know You want to be known so my desire is to know You more than answers to my questions. I want Your transformation of my life over information.”


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