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First European on North America

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1 European Discovery of the Americas, The Foundation & the Colonization of Georgia

2 First European on North America
First European on North America was Leif Erikson (Viking) A.D. Went to Newfoundland, but went back to Greenland


4 So…what was happening in Europe?
Age of Discovery (1400s-1700s) Thought only continents were Europe, Africa, & Asia wanted silk, spices, teas, & gems from Asia

5 Christopher Columbus’ Expeditions
Columbus received financial backing for his voyage from Spain---wanted to travel West to get Asian goods, instead of East King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella approved

6 Why “West Indies” and “Indians”?
Indies= Asia Called natives on islands “Indians” because CC thought that he was in the Indies Called the area “West Indies” to distinguish it from the East of Asia

7 Why “America”? Amerigo Vespucci (Italian businessman) coined term the “New World” 1507-Spanish mapmaker named it America after Amerigo

8 Line of Demarcation & Treaty of Tordesillas
Portugal and Spain were rivals in the New World Pope Alexander VI feared they would become enemies Draws Line of Demarcation-a line drawn from the North to the South Pole splitting the New World (1493) Spain gets the W (GA on this side), Portugal gets E 1494-Portugal wasn’t happy, so they drew a new line…Treaty of Tordesillas (moved 700 miles West)


10 Hey…we want our pieces! England and France did not recognize the “Lines” 1497-John Cabot, Englander, went to northeast coast of NA…so claims NA’s eastern seaboard Spain replies… “Right of 1st Discovery”…so it really ours Spain makes 80 voyages in 12 years

11 God, Glory, and Gold… England retorted with “occupation to claim”
All European countries agreed that they did not need Native Americans’ permission to take the land Spain’s purpose- “God, glory, & gold”…not necessarily in that order  First Spanish explorer in NA was Juan Ponce de Leon

12 Isla Florida Ponce de Leon was searching for the “Fountain of Youth”, riches, and adventure April 1513, landed on St. Augustine Isla Florida—Island of Flowers because landed during religious holiday, Pasqua Florida First Spaniard to set foot on NA mainland

13 First European Settlement in Georgia
1540- Hernando de Soto (Spain)---critics are not sure if he is the first European in GA Some believe 1526, Lucas Vazquez de Ayller might be first Ayller landed in what would be McIntosh County (settlement of San Miguel Guadalupe) Colony was doomed…cold weather, lack of food, shelter, illnesses, death, & slave revolt (450 of 600 had died) Searched for gold and silver, but to no avail

14 France in North America
1562-Jean Ribault Explored North FL & GA, built Charles Fort in the Carolinas-Established French presence 150 Huguenots (French Protestants) settled in the area north of Savannah (Port Royal)

15 “Hey Frenchies…get outta here!”
Charles Fort-1st European fort on North American mainland (in the Carolinas), but forced to abandon due to famine 1564-French established Fort Caroline-part of Spanish Florida; Catholic Spanish were mad at French Protestants for coming to their land & raiding their ships 1565-Spanish pushed the French out of FC

16 St. Augustine…founded by Spanish
Pedro Menendez-Spanish leader that founded St. Augustine (1st successful Spanish settlement; military and political base) Well situated to protect Spanish ships as they traveled along to Gulf Stream back to Spain England (Sir Francis Drake) attacked & burned city because Spain refused to share New World (1586)

17 Another Goal of the Spanish…
Transform N.A. into Christians, so developed Catholic missions (church outposts in N.A. villages) Friars lived with the natives Taught religion, behavior, literacy, farming methods, trading Some friars were killed because they were not welcome

18 2 Provinces…Juanillo Rebellion
Divided area into 2 Spanish provinces-Guale (northern province-between Savannah and Altamaha Rivers) and Mocama (southern province- between Altamaha and St. Mary’s Rivers) 1597-Juanillo Rebellion-friar denounced chief and named a new chief (stirred trouble); N.A. in Guale killed friars until Mocama natives stopped it


20 Can’t we all just get along?
Spanish and English fought for 20 years over territory in NA 1604-peace treaty & English get share of NA 1606-King James I issued a charter (legal document signed by the king) to some merchants for a new colony (Virginia Company)


22 Where did the Natives go?
In two centuries, over 90% of Natives had been killed (diseases, weapons-fighting, etc.) As a result, slaves from West Africa were taken



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