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Introduction to computers

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to computers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to computers

2 Paragraph Formatting

3 What is paragraph formatting?

4 Paragraph marks To insert a paragraph mark, press the Enter key.
To remove a paragraph mark, click at the end of a paragraph and press the Del (Delete) key.

5 Soft paragraph (line break) marks
press the Shift+Enter keys to insert a soft paragraph mark.

6 Aligning text

7 Indenting paragraphs

8 Indenting paragraphs (cont )

9 Applying single or double line spacing within paragraphs

10 Applying spacing above or below paragraphs

11 Applying bullets to a list

12 Applying numbering a list

13 Modifying bullet and numbering formatting

14 Removing bullet or numbering formatting

15 Adding borders and shading

16 Adding a border

17 Modifying your borders

18 Modifying your borders(cont)

19 Adding shading

20 Modifying your shading

21 Finding and replacing text

22 Finding text

23 Replacing text

24 Tabs

25 Setting and removing tabs

26 Setting and removing tabs

27 Setting and removing tabs (cont)

28 Setting and removing tabs (cont)

29 Setting and removing tabs (cont)

30 Viewing tab marks within a document using the Show/Hide icon

31 Styles

32 Applying styles to a word, line or a paragraph

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