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Complete Reading Pages 24-30

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Presentation on theme: "Complete Reading Pages 24-30"— Presentation transcript:

1 Complete Reading Pages 24-30
Introduction Complete Reading Pages 24-30

2 Can you read these words?
Tai Ni Po Ni Wai Yu So Tan? Sum Ting Wong Wa Shing Ka

3 What is Reading? Discuss as class and write down your own answer
Reading is a necessary tool one needs to survive.

4 Why did you learn to read?
Necessary to pass school Necessary to learn important things in life

5 Four things could not do without reading.
Know how much medicine to take Understand how to drive Cook Order from a menu

6 Six Reasons to Read Enjoyment Information Meaning Depth Beauty
Fun and Ease

7 Questions for Readers What are you reading about? Why are you reading?
What do you want to get out of your reading? What kind of reading is it?

8 Questions continued Should you read slowly or quickly?
How do you know if you understood it? How can you remember what you’ve read?

9 What can you do if you don’t understand something?
Should you reread?

10 Visualizing Reading What do you see when you read? What do you hear?

11 Reading Process Step One: Before you Read
A. Set your purpose– reason you read B. Preview-look over the material C. Plan-what do I need to know?

12 Step Two: While You Read
A. Remember your purpose reason for reading the material B Connect to the reading—ask questions Has this happened to me? How does this make me feel?

13 Step Three: After you read
A. Pause and Reflect think about what you read B. Reread go over anything that is confusing C. Remember all important facts

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