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EXPLORERS webquest

2 Portugal Prince Henry Bartholomew Dias Vasco Da Gama
How did Prince Henry impact exploration? What was the goal of Prince Henry’s navigation school during the AoE? Describe Prince Henry. Bartholomew Dias What area was Dias attempting to navigate to upon the King of Portugal's request? What area did Dias actually sail to? Vasco Da Gama Explain why Portugal was searching for a water route to Asia. What types of issues did da Gama experiences on his voyage to find the Indies? Explain da Gama’s overall experience once he reached the Indies. What type of relationship did the Portuguese and Muslim traders have?

3 Spain Christopher Columbus Juan Ponce De Leon Ferdinand Magellan
Where did Christopher Columbus come from? Who finally granted Columbus the funds to voyage for the Indies? Thinking he was on the Spice Islands, where was Columbus actually? Why did Columbus name the natives ‘indians’? Juan Ponce De Leon What state did he explore and what did he hope to find? How did Ponce De Leon meet his end? Ferdinand Magellan What was Ferdinand Magellan’s goal? Did he succeed? What continent was he the 1st to navigate around? What happened to Magellan?

4 Spain Hernan Cortes Francisco Pizarro
Cortes was known for conquering what group of people? Describe Cortes. What did the Aztec consider Cortes? How did the Aztec empire meet their demise because of Cortes? Francisco Pizarro What was Pizarro searching for? Why were there hostilities between the Incas and the Spaniards? How did Pizarro meet his fate?

5 France Giovanni da Verrazzano Jacques Cartier Samuel de Champlain
Explain why Giovanni da Verrazzano’s nickname was ‘the pirate’? Verrazzano made a major error during his explorations, explain the mistake he made and what effect it on on maps printed in Europe. Draw the erroneous map depicted in this passage. Jacques Cartier 1. What was Cartier searching for in the new world? 2. Jacques Cartier’s explorations allowed for France to do what? Samuel de Champlain De Champlain’s explorations allowed him to map what areas of North America?

6 England John Cabot Sir Francis Drake
On his 1st voyage to find the Indies, Cabot sailed in which direction? On his 2nd (and successful) voyage Cabot and his crew claimed what area for England? What area did Cabot actually think he had landed on? Sir Francis Drake What experience did Drake have that led to his hatred of Catholic Spaniards? Throughout many of his voyages Drake repeatedly extracted revenge on the Spanish by doing what?


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