Addition and Subtraction to 10

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1 Addition and Subtraction to 10
Mrs. Brown’s Rockin’ News! October 17, 2016 Vocabulary Words These words are practiced all week and part of our weekly reading quiz. enemies- people or animals that can bring harm to others forest: a place with a lot of trees. hibernate: when animals find or make a safe place to sleep for the winter. must: something you have to do pouches: pockets for holding or carrying things predators: animals that hunt other animals for food What we are learning! Read Aloud We are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We will be discussing character traits, setting, and plot. Reading Students will be in differentiated guided reading groups at their instructional level. iRead is now working during our small group time. Word Work This week and next, our pattern is the fl, bl, cl blends. We will work on the pattern all week. Partial credit will be given for parts of words. Examples: flip, clam, black Grammar Verbs   Conjunctions Writing “How –To” Math place value Addition and Subtraction to 10 Social Studies Continents Homework Read each night and log your books. After your child reads 20 books they be given a charm. Specials Schedule Monday: Computer Lab Tuesday: Art Wednesday: PE- wear gym shoes Thursday: Music Friday: PE- wear gym shoes Mrs. Amy Brown Phone

2 Reading Logs I’m so impressed with the reading logs filling up! Please keep your logs in your folder. This is the best possible homework for you and your child. Try to share the reading and ask lots of questions together as you are enjoying the book. Your child’s fluency will build along with their comprehension skills. And as you model how much fun reading is they will develop a love for it too! It’s a win win situation! Happy Reading and logging! If you need to change your child’s regular transportation, please send a note that morning. If you must call the school, please do so by 2:00 with the change. Sending a note that morning in the red folder is the best way to change transportation. Thanks! Calendar Oct. 28th- Fall Dojo Celebration Oct 24th- Fall Picture retake Nov. 3rd- Fall Festival 3:30-5:30 Nov. 8th- Veteran’s Day Assembly 9:00 Nov. 11th- NO SHOOL Nov. 18th- PTO concessions/ Book Parade 9:00 Nov th- Thanksgiving Holiday Dec. 5th-9th- Santa Workshop Dec. 12th- PTO K-2nd Perform 6:00 Dec. 19th-Jan. 2nd- NO SCHOOL Ice Cream First Graders are allowed to buy ice cream for $1 on Wednesday. Breakfast is served starting at 7:40 and ends promptly at 8:00 a.m. for car riders. Students should be in the cafeteria line prior to 8:00 a.m. Computer Lab Need! We are in need of Clorox Wipes for cleaning the headphones each day in the computer lab. PBIS Expectations Be Ready Be Respectful Be Responsible Remember that students must earn at least 50 positive points and no more than 15 negative points along with 0 office referrals for the month to attend the monthly celebration. Class Dojo Remember to check your child’s Class Dojo points online. You can still sign up to keep up with your child’s Class Dojo. Please let me know if you need a new information sheet. Please fill this section out, cut out, and return to school. Your child will be entered into a weekly drawing to win a prize from the school. ________ I have read Mrs. Brown’s weekly newsletter. Print Parent Name ___________________________________________ Parent Signature PTO now has !  PTO will be monitoring this for parent questions/concerns

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