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Presentation on theme: "THE GREAT REVIVAL (AWAKENING)"— Presentation transcript:


CHURCH PERIOD – 1900 The word of God now available Men empowered by Holy Ghost begin to preach Many of the revived preachers are locked out of the Church of England The Gospel is taken to the “fields” People gather in untold numbers to hear the Gospel Evangelists take the message to America

3 THE GREAT REVIVAL JOHN WESLEY Was a priest in Church of England
Belonged to the “Holy Club” at Oxford Thought his good works made him a good Christian Took missionary trips to America with his brother Charles All this and he was still a troubled soul Returned to England, finally came under conviction and got saved

4 THE GREAT REVIVAL John Wesley – cont.
Now saved and preaching under power of the Spirit Began ½ century of service Preached est. 40,000 sermons Traveled 200,000 miles mostly on horseback Averaged 5,000 miles a year Preached an average of 15 sermons a week Contemporary with George Whitefield

5 THE GREAT REVIVAL John Wesley – cont.
Many converts in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales The “bands” and “societies’ formed on both sides of the Atlantic These bands and societies grew to become the Methodist Church Wesley died leaving behind nothing but a Library of books, well worn clergy gown, a much abused reputation and THE METHODIST CHURCH His brother Charles left behind many hymns England transformed through Whitefield and the Wesleys (John and Charles) being used of God

6 THE GREAT REVIVAL GEORGE WHITEFIELD Born in his parents tavern
Seeking “heart peace” joined the “Holy Club” Good works nor self denial brought satisfaction Then came conversion Became the “field” preacher after Church of England closed their doors to him

7 THE GREAT REVIVAL George Whitefield – cont.
Preached against sin and for Jesus Preached from every kind of pulpit Preached to more than 20,000 without a sound system Crossed the Atlantic and preached in America Preached in Penn., New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, Georgia, Rhode Island and Mass. Acquainted with John Wesley and Jonathan Edwards

8 THE GREAT REVIVAL George Whitefield – cont.
Whitefield/Wesley controversy the Sovereignty of God vs. the responsibility of man Actually, neither held these positions to the extreme Wesley when asked if he thought we would see Whitefield in heaven, replied, “No sir, I fear not. Mr. Whitefield will be so near the throne and we at such a distance we shall hardly get sight of him”

9 THE GREAT REVIVAL D. L. MOODY Ancestors were New England farmers
Became educated after his conversion Father died at 41 and left family with nothing As a child, he became involved in Sunday School Won to the Lord by SS teacher at the shoe store Began his work for the Lord Went to Chicago and became an active Church worker

10 THE GREAT REVIVAL Thomas Chalmers (Born 1780) Champion of the poor
Entered college at 11 Preaching at 19, Pastoring at 23 Surrendered to Christ in 1810 Warred against welfare system-then used Church funds for the poor Goal was to liberate folks from poverty “it is the power of charity to corrupt it’s objects” Established 200 churches in Scotland Pulled churches out of government control

11 THE GREAT REVIVAL C. H. SPURGEON Preached for over 40 yrs.
Learned to read at age 5 Raised in preachers home Went thru Grandfathers Library – learned to think and speak scripture Converted in a small church with a layman filling in for Pastor Pastored a Baptist Church in 1851 – entire town transformed by message Became Pastor of New Park Street Baptist Church in London Began with less than 100 members – grew to several thousand

New building called Metropolitan Tabernacle At 26 years old pastored the church now with 6,000 members Established orphanages, Almshouses, Preacher training college Became known as Prince of Preachers Whole town affected by the ministry Authored 7 volume series entitled “Treasury of David” His Sermons fill many volumes of books Spoke out against unbelief in Baptist Churches as they had many unscriptural teachings

13 THE GREAT REVIVAL BILLY SUNDAY Baseball – spent 8 yrs. in the majors
Started with Chicago Whitestockings (Cubs) in 1883 One Sunday afternoon heard a group from rescue mission singing After quitting baseball went to work for Salvation Army Teamed up with evangelist J. Wilbur Chapman Became an evangelist at the urging of Chapman Developed his own style and millions came to hear him preach Became noted for “the sawdust trail” from barns and buildings where he preached.


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