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Why do we need this course?

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Presentation on theme: "Why do we need this course?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do we need this course?
Why engineer software? Can’t we just hack at it, until we get something that works? Many people/companies do this anyway… Answer: can’t hack it if we care about quality If a system is not put together in a well-organized manner, the chance for bugs is greater Another answer: You can’t just hack together a 106 LOC system Complex systems are impossible to build in an ad-hoc manner

2 Introduction: software quality
Software is often buggy In critical applications, bugs can lead to drastic consequences Therac-25 malfunctions killed or severely injured several people in Ariane 5 launcher crash on 4/6/1996 Airbus problems Banking software failures Many more The main reason for bugs is enormous complexity of software Need techniques to cope with this complexity

3 Poor quality software menaces the maintenance of that infrastructure
Quality Issues Software is now an integral part of every facet of our societal infrastructure Air traffic control Telecommunication Financial infrastructure Poor quality software menaces the maintenance of that infrastructure Software is the "Grand Enabler" holding the key to scientific and engineering challenges Human genome project Space exploration Weather prediction

4 Why isn’t software quality up to snuff?
deliver prototypes "leave it to the marketplace" unsophisticated consumers don't know what they want tolerate high failure rates "the computer is down" misled by "coverups" in banking, finance, communications lack of understanding of risks Year 2000 (Y2K)

5 Software is everywhere
Android: more than 1 million lines of code A military drone: 3.5 million lines of code A car: 100 million lines of code Google: 2 billion lines of code

6 What is software? Code Various design documents User manuals Development plans, timelines, and budgets Maintenance documents The way of producing software (process)

7 Desirable qualities of software systems
Reliability Performs the required functions correctly The rate of failures is low Maintainability Understandability Changeability Simplicity Reusability The solution to a problem should be as general as possible User friendliness Efficiency

8 Some interesting numbers
About 25% of s/w projects fail Failure rate increases as the size of the project increases Costs about $100/LOC Ranges between $10-$600 Typical programmer produces about 30 LOCs a day Ranges between LOCs 25 faults/KLOC Ranges between faults/KLOC

9 Software costs Development costs Maintenance costs
generally measured in hundreds to thousands of dollars per delivered LOC many artifacts associated with a line of code testing and analysis is usually 50% of this cost Maintenance costs 2-3 times as much as development

10 Software Costs Development costs Full lifecycle costs reqts and design
35% code 15% testing 50% Full lifecycle costs code reqts/design testing maintenance

11 Software code is too complex to reason about it directly
Models Software code is too complex to reason about it directly Need a higher level representation, called design Captures only the most important relevant characteristics of the problem Needs to capture the behavior of the problem accurately Software code must conform to its design

12 Software Engineering Name coined at the NATO Science Committee Conference, October 1968 Engineering-- established, scientifically sound practices that well trained practitioners follow Software Engineering-- the application of scientific knowledge to the the development and maintenance of software systems Software-- ALL associated artifacts to assist with the development, operation, validation, and maintenance of programs/software systems e.g., code, documentation, designs, requirements, user manuals, installation manuals, test cases, test results, bug reports, revision history, make files,...

13 The nature of software Software is a complex, intricately interconnected data aggregate Software Development is the process of creating such a complex product, while continuously assuring that it remains consistent Software Engineering combines some of the approaches of classical engineering with some of the abstract approaches of mathematics

14 some types of relationships:
A software product is a complex web of intertwined software objects, connected by a multitude of diverse relations and constraints some types of objects: source code designs testcases documentation some types of relationships: is invoked by is derived from is consistent with is a version of

15 Trends in Software Expansion (Bernstein, 1997)
Factor The ratio of machine lines of code to a source line of code 1 10 100 1000 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 2000 1995 Order of Magnitude Increase Every Twenty Years Machine Instructions Macro Assembler High Level Language Database Manager On-line Regression Testing Prototyping 4GL Subsecond Time Sharing Small Scale Reuse Object Oriented Programming Large Scale 142 113 81 75 47 37.5 30 15 3 475 638 Projection

16 What is novel about software, compared to other fields of engineering?
product is unprecedentedly complex application horizons expand too fast--with human demands/imagination construction is human-intensive solutions require unusual rigor extremely malleable--can modify the product all too easily

17 How to increase Software Quality
Treat software as a PRODUCT produced in a systematic way by a PROCESS designed and implemented to achieve explicit quality objectives Build quality in Define software product formally Define software process formally Reason about the product and process formally Incorporate validation as integral steps in the process

18 Software Lifecycle requirements reqts. analysis design specs
validation coding validation testing adequacy maintenance revalidation

19 requirements-- a complete,consistent specification of what is needed
Waterfall Model requirements-- a complete,consistent specification of what is needed provides visibility for customers, developers, and managers benchmark for testing and acceptance reduces misunderstandings requirements analysis evaluate completeness and consistency evaluate needs and constraints evaluate feasibility and costs development and maintenance costs Probability of success

20 Waterfall Model (continued)
design specifications--a description of how the requirements are to be realized high-level architectural design low-level detailed design design validation traceability between requirements and design decisions internal consistency

21 Waterfall Model (continued)
code--realization of the design in executable instructions code validation assure coding and documentation standards have been maintained internal consistency e.g., syntactic analysis, semantic analysis, type checking, interface consistency consistency between design/requirements and code

22 Waterfall Model (continued)
testing--reveal problems, demonstrate behavior, assess reliability, evaluate non-functional requirements (e.g., performance, ease of use) unit testing integration testing system testing acceptance testing regression testing testing validation adequacy of the testcases

23 Waterfall Model (continued)
maintenance--the process of modifying existing software while leaving its primary functionality intact corrective maintenance-- fix problems (20%) adaptive maintenance-- add new functionality/enhance existing features (30%) perfective maintenance-- improve product (50%) e.g., performance, maintainability 3 primary steps understand existing software change existing software revalidate existing software maintenance involves all the previous phases of the lifecycle

24 Is the waterfall model an appropriate process model?
recognizes distinct activities clearly oversimplifies the process wait, wait, wait, surprise model actual processes are more complex numerous iterations among phases not purely top down decomposition into subsystems many variations of the waterfall model prototyping re-engineering risk reduction ...

25 Barriers to engineering software
Industry’s short term focus Shortage of skilled personnel Inadequate investment in R&D Poor technology transfer models Insufficient standards

26 Industry’s short term focus
"bottom line orientation" emphasis on time to market not life cycle return on investment startups cannot invest in R&D until product established in marketplace without the R&D, takes too long for next or improved product market strategy driven by investors who want impressive short term gains

27 Industry’s short term focus
software houses intensely competitive often don't use own technology keep development cost down, fix later unsophisticated industries lack of technical expertise lack of administrative experience overselling the technology

28 Barriers to engineering software
industry’s short term focus shortage of skilled personnel inadequate investment in R&D PITAC (Kennedy-Joy) Report US SW GNP is $228B but less than 1% spent on R&D Poor technology transfer models tend to "toss over the fence" Lack of standards

29 What do we need? Scientific basis Organized discipline R&D strategy Trained professionals Technology transfer strategies Quality control

30 Certification and Licensing?
Currently, software engineering is not one of the 36 engineering professions recognized and licensed in the United States. 48 states prohibit using the term "engineer" without a license Texas has forced universities to stop MSSE Tennessee prohibits the use of "software engineering" in business literature and advertising New Jersey considered, but did not pass, a regulation that would have required licensing of all SW professionals IEEE/CS & ACM established Commission on Software Engineering in 1993

31 High-level Goals of Software Engineering
improve productivity reduce resources e.g., time, cost, personnel improve predictability improve maintainability improve quality

32 Basic OO terms: object and class
represents anything that can be distinctly identified has a unique identity what does it represent? Has a unique state what is it doing? Has a set of possible behaviors what are all possible things it can be doing? Class represents a set of objects with similar characteristics and behavior in other words, the type of an object

33 Class notation UML Class Name field 1 field n method 1 method n

34 Example: class Tree UML Java Class Tree { private float height_;
private int noOfBranches_; private Classification species_; public void die() { } public void germinate() { public void grow(Date untilDate) { public void shedLeaves() {

35 Interaction among objects
An OO program is a collection of communicating objects This communication happens via message passing To send a message to object b, object a has to call a method of b b.<method name>(<parameter 1>…<parameter k>);

36 A module is a part of an application
Modules A module is a part of an application A module captures some well-defined functionality Modules can be defined hierarchically A module can contain a number of lower-level modules A module consists of entities Functions Algorithms Objects Lower-level modules A module can be a class

37 Important OO principles: cohesion and coupling
Cohesion refers to how well the entities of a class fit together High cohesion, good entities are highly related Low cohesion, bad entities are not highly related Coupling refers to the amount of dependency among the modules High coupling, bad the amount of information that one module should reveal to another is excessive Low coupling, good

38 Important OO principles: abstraction and encapsulation
Abstraction in terms of a module represents the amount of information that the users of this module need to be able to use it The smaller this amount of information, the better Encapsulation is the principle of not making “internal” information visible to the users Also known as information hiding Encapsulation improves abstraction Internal changes can be made without affecting the way that users use this module

39 Important OO principles: interface
Interface to a module is the amount of information that this module makes visible Abstraction can be characterized as complexity of the interface Interface represents a contract between the module and its users the module: “Here are all the services that I can provide to you” UML notation Module Interface Module

40 Important OO principles: inheritance
The idea is to define a relationship where class A is more general than class B B inherits from A B is a subclass of A A is a superclass of B B is a kind of A Example:

41 Inheritance (cont.) Multiple levels of inheritance are possible Subclasses inherit attributes and methods of their superclasses

42 Important OO principles: polymorphism
A related but different kinds of functionality can be implemented by several different modules If the interfaces to all these modules are the same, they can be used in exactly the same way In the program, a module being used can be changed dynamically, as long as the interface remains the same

43 Important OO concepts: aggregation
Aggregation is a relationship where one class is a part of another

44 Important OO concepts: association
Association is a general relationship among two classes

45 Class diagram for a game of dice

46 Modeling dynamic behaviors: state and sequence diagrams
Static behavior represents relationships among classes Class diagrams inheritance aggregation association Dynamic behavior represents interactions among objects State diagrams Sequence diagrams

47 Represent all possible behaviors of an object
State diagrams Represent all possible behaviors of an object Consist of states and transitions At any moment of time, an object is in some state Doing something Having certain qualities A transition represents the object moving from one state to another Transitions are triggered by events May have guards and side-effects Has a start state May have a final state States can be composite, called hyperstates

48 State diagram example: Game class

49 Sequence diagrams Illustrate interaction of several objects

50 Annotations, or comments, may be added to any part of any UML diagram
Car This class serves as a very general type of a car. You have to instantiate one of its children

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