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5 E’sy Ways to Investigate enzymes!

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1 5 E’sy Ways to Investigate enzymes!

2 Learning Objectives Educators attending this workshop will:
Utilize tools that support NGSS student learning outcomes of three dimensional lesson design including - Molymods to model basic amino acid structure and build a dipeptide Amino Acid Starter Kit© to simulate protein folding Enzymes in Action © to demonstrate enzymatic specificity and actions Acetylcholinesterase Active Site Cube © to apply knowledge of protein structure/function to an observed environmental phenomenon Landscapes of David Goodsell © to apply multiple representations to a concept Learn something new and interesting for your own professional development. HAVE FUN!

3 What NGSS dimensions will be targeted?
Learning Objectives What NGSS dimensions will be targeted? SEPs CCCs DCIs Asking questions Patterns PS1.A: Structure and properties of matter Developing and using models Cause and effect PS1.B: Chemical reactions Constructing explanations Scale, proportion, and quantity LS1.A: Structure and function Structure and function LS2.C: Ecosystem dynamics, functioning, and resilience

4 Engage! Protein Structure versus . . . the Mosquito

5 Amino Acids: Building Blocks for Proteins Explore! Explain!

6 Extend! Amino Acids: D and L Forms of Amino Acids

7 Building a Dipeptide

8 Beware student preconceptions about protein folding!
The Protein Folding Problem Beware student preconceptions about protein folding! Amino acid #1 Amino acid #2

9 Modeling Protein Structure

10 Modeling the Primary Structure
You will need 15 total side chains: 2 cysteine side chains (green). 2 acidic side chains (red). 2 basic side chains (blue). Your favorite 3 hydrophilic amino acids (white). Your favorite 6 hydrophobic amino acids (yellow). Randomly distribute them on the TOOBER. (Space them about three inches apart to get an even distribution). 

11 Modeling Tertiary Structure
Fold your protein according to basic principles of chemistry and physics: In an aqueous environment, where do you expect the hydrophobic side chains to fold? Why? Likewise, consider where the hydrophilic side chains would fold. What interaction may occur between acidic and basic amino acids? What interaction may occur between cysteine amino acids?

12 Modeling Secondary Structure
Beta Sheets Why are secondary structures important to protein structure/function? Alpha Helices

13 Modeling Quaternary Structure

14 Modeling Enzyme Action: Catabolism

15 Modeling Enzyme Action: Anabolism

16 Modeling Enzyme Action: Specificity

17 Competitive Inhibition Noncompetitive Inhibition
Modeling Inhibition Competitive Inhibition Noncompetitive Inhibition Extend!

18 Evaluate! Protein Structure versus . . . the Mosquito

19 Neuromuscular Signaling A Landscape from David Goodsell

20 Acetylcholinesterase!
A Molecular Story: Acetylcholinesterase!

21 Resources!

22 Resources!

23 THANK YOU! For more molecular stories. . . Come visit us at booths 419 and 421! We hope to see you soon!

24 Another Molecular Story:
The Beery Twins!

25 What’s going on with the Beery twins?
ENZYMES! A key enzyme in the Beery twins molecular story is sepiapterin reductase. Sepiapterin reductase is necessary to make a cofactor called tetrahydrobiopterin.

26 What’s going on with the Beery twins sepiapterin reductase?

27 What’s going on with the Beery twins sepiapterin reductase?
Joe Beery’s Contribution: A single amino acid change! Arginine  Glycine

28 What’s going on with the Beery twins sepiapterin reductase?
Retta Beery’s Contribution: A missing piece of the terminal end of the protein.

29 How did the Beery twins get the variant forms?
Analyzing Data: The Beery’s Pedigree

30 What are the implications of these variant forms?
Joe Beery’s Mutation – Missense at 498 DNA base change from adenine to guanine Retta Beery’s Mutation – Nonsense at 801 DNA base change from adenine to thymine resulting in an early stop codon.

31 The Beery Twins Today!

32 Resources!

33 THANK YOU! For more molecular stories. . . Come visit us at booths 419 and 421! We hope to see you soon!

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