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Presentation on theme: "HASHIR AHAMMED A.V HASHIR AHAMMED A.V BSC PSYCHOLOGY."— Presentation transcript:


2 What Is Honour? Honour is an abstract concept entailing a perceived quality of worthiness and respectability that affects both the social standing and the self-evaluation of an individual or corporate body such as a family, school, regiment or nation. Accordingly, individuals (or corporate bodies) are assigned worth and stature based on the harmony of their actions with a specific code of honour, and the moral code of the society at large. Honour as a code of behaviour defines the duties of an individual within a social group.

3 What Is Honour Killing ? Premeditated killings of family members, primarily women, who are thought to have brought shame or dishonour to their family by engaging in certain behaviours considered unacceptable (e.g. pre-marital or extra-marital sexual relationships, or relationships with boys not approved by the family), are often referred to in media reports as "honour killings".

4 Causes Of Honour killing
Inter-religion marriage Inter caste or Engaging in lesbian or gay relationship Adultery Disobeying the dress code given by family or community For Asserting Independence

5 Rate of Honour Killing


Honour killings had been reported in :- Italy Jordan Yemen Lebanon Other Mediterranean Morocco  Persian Gulf countries Pakistan  France India  Germany The Syrian Arab Republic The United Kingdom, within migrant communities Turkey The United States

8 Honour Injustice In India
Delhi Haryana Punjab Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan Bihar Tamil Nadu

9 Honour Killing : Reported cases

10 Nirupama Pathak, a 22 year old journalist,reportedly 3 months pregnant were allegedly killed by their family near their family home in Jharkhand on last week of April 2010 because of falling in love with a lower caste boy.

11 In Shivganga district of South Indian State, Tamilnadu , a 20 year old girl Megala and a 24 year old boy Shivkumar were killed by Megala’s father and brother after being traced out when they eloped out after ten days of the marriage of Megala with another one.

12 Drowned dead with husband Manoj by relatives, for marrying within the same village gotra.

13 Du’a Khalil Aswad Stoned to death by members of her community for falling in love with a Sunni Muslim man.

14 Zahida's brother brutally attacked her because he alleged she had been unfaithful and brought shame to the family. He cut off her ears, tongue, and nose, gouged out her eyes.

15 The Psychology Of Honour killing
Attitude forms with a collaboration of emotion and belief. These emotions and belief are explained in various degrees. EMOTION BELIEF Behaviour is a by-product of attitude Attitude Behaviour

16 Emotion There are only two basic type of emotion that we all experience, love and fear. All other emotions are variations of these two emotions. Thoughts and behavior come from either a place of love, or a place of fear. Anxiety, anger, control, sadness, depression, inadequacy, confusion, hurt, lonely, guilt, shame, these are all fear-based emotions. Emotions such as joy, happiness, caring, trust, compassion, truth, contentment, satisfaction, these are love-based emotions.

17 Love Vs Fear All other emotions are variations of these two emotions, an individual forms thought and behaviour from either a place of love or a place of fear. When a family faces honour based issues, members of that family will have a conflict between emotions. Fear and love having a competition to dominate, in this competition love will defect by fear and fear will dominate, then the varying degree of intensity of emotion will result or influence the outcome which expressed.

18 Belief Belief of an individual will vary accordingly to their culture, religion, tradition e.t.c Culture: - some culture especially those with a history of herding settlement developed a “culture of honour "Some group of families who give more importance to the society and culture, they were thinking that maintaining or protecting culture is more important and they were ready to give up or sacrifice any object, person, thing or event.

19 Religion: - religious belief is also an important factor of belief
Religion: - religious belief is also an important factor of belief. By varying religion, there are different type of belief are present. In some religion the marriage between (sapindas) people within the third generation in the ascent of mother and fifth generation in the ascent through father and marriage between close relatives are prohibited. Yet marriage between close relationship and gotra seems to evoke a great deal if moral indignation, fury and rage – enough to warrant brutal killing.

20 Traditional belief:- In some traditions, Women are restricted to dress modestly and they are not allow to talk with men outside the family, never attracting attention to themselves and most important of all avoiding sex before marriage and agreeing to marry a partner chosen by their family.

21 Suggestion While attitudes can have a powerful effect on behaviour, they are not set in stone. The same influences that lead to attitude formation can also create attitude change. Classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning can be used to bring about attitude change. Classical conditioning can be used to create positive emotional reactions to an object, person, or event by associating positive feelings with the target object.

22 Operant conditioning can be used to strengthen desirable attitudes and weaken undesirable ones.
People can also change their attitudes after observing the behaviour of others. There is a need for developing attitudes beyond religion, caste, community or other personal or individual preferences. Humanity shall be considered as the base or taking all decisions not impulsive actions.



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