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Principal Economic Issues

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1 Principal Economic Issues
Needs Scarcity Opportunity Cost Economic System

2 Principal Economic Issues
Classic What items will be in production ? Whether the goods and services to the right people ? What goods will be consumed properly by the public ? Principal Economic Issues Modern What goods and services are produced ? How goods and services are produced ? For whom the goods and services produced ?

3 Needs Intensity Subject Time Character Primary Secondary Tertiary
Physical Spiritual Time Now Future Character Individual Public

4 Scarcity Limited resources, but human desires are unlimited
Resources are unlimited cause of the scarcity As the solution, society must make the choice The Choices causing the opportunity cost

5 Did you know what the cause of the scarcity ??
Natural disasters War Human behavior Needs are unlimited

6 Biaya peluang (Opportunity Cost) adalah biaya yang harus dikorbankan ketika seseorang memilih satu pilihan dari beberapa pilihan yang ada CLUE !! Anggi diterima untuk bekerja di sebuah perusahaan multinasional dengan gaji Rp per bulan, tapi disisi lain Anggi juga ditawari oleh orang tuanya untuk melanjutkan S2 dengan biaya Rp per semester. Pada akhirnya Anggi memilih untuk melanjutkan S2, otomatis Anggi kehilangan kesempatan untuk memperoleh gaji Rp per bulan. Jika dihitung, maka yang dikorbankan oleh Anggi adalah Rp per bulan atau Rp per tahun.

7 Economic System Economic system Traditional Comando Liberal Campuran

8 Characteristic of Economic System
Traditional Comando Market Campuran Resource Ownership Individu Government Private Government and Private Price No Trade Market Mecanism The government can invest Competition None Closed Competition Free Competition Free Competition for Privat Industry Individual Ownership Yes

9 Positive Side And Negative Side Of Traditional Economic System
There isn’t competition, Everything done by habit Members of the public are not burdened specific targets for activities carried out only to meet their own needs People do production just to full fill life necessities, not to improve welfare Not aim for profit do not want to make changes, making it difficult to develop Do not conceder efficiency and the amount of resources used

10 Positive Side And Negative Side Of Comando Economic System
The government is easier to control inflation , unemployment and other economic problems . Goods market in the country running smoothly . The government can intervene in terms of price formation . Relatively easy to perform equitable distribution of income . Rare economic crisis . Deadly individual initiative to advance. Society does not have the freedom to have wealth and economic resources

11 Positive Side And Negative Side of Market Economic System
Initiative and creativity of the community to organize economic activities can be developed. Every individual is free to have wealth and production resources . Appears high -grade goods , because of inferior goods will not be sold on the market . High efficiency and effectiveness , because every action is based on economic motives . It is difficult to equal distribution of income . Owners of production resources or owners of capital to exploit the working people , so that he will get richer . As a result , the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer . Monopoly of the company can be detrimental to the community . Often turmoil in the economy due to the mobilization of resources by individuals is often wrong .

12 Dapat Juga Diakses : PlayStore : econosmart Web :

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