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2 What is a Concussion? A traumatically induced alteration in mental status not necessarily with a loss of consciousness A change in your brain’s ability to function normally after a hit to the head or body – and you do not have to black out for in to be considered a concussion Can happen from a directly or indirectly Directly: hit to the head Indirectly: hit to the body or whiplash

3 Concussions Any athlete who shows signs or symptoms of a concussion must be removed from play immediately! If you suspect you have a concussion you should see a healthcare provider right away. Only a doctor should give medication to someone suspected of having a concussion.

4 What is a Concussion? Every concussion is unique
The same hit to two different people can cause two very different sets of symptoms Care must be individualized More than 80% of concussions will resolve successfully within the first 3 weeks

5 Concussion Recognition
Symptoms Physical – how you feel physically Emotional – how you react Cognitive – how you think Physical Signs Impaired brain function Abnormal behavior

6 Concussion Recognition
Symptoms Only need ONE symptom present to be considered a possible concussion Headache is most common symptom

7 Concussion Symptoms Headache Pressure in head Neck pain
Nausea/Vomiting Dizziness Blurred Vision Balance problems Sensitive to light Sensitive to noise Feel slowed down Feel in a fog Difficulty concentrating Difficulty remembering Fatigue/low energy Confusion Drowsiness Irritable Sad Nervous/Anxious

8 Concussion Recognition
Orientation Where are you? What day is it? What year is it? What team are you playing? Who is winning?

9 Concussion Recognition
Memory Both short term and long term Repeat words given by examiner Concentration Repeat numbers backwards Repeat months of year backwards

10 Concussion Recognition
Balance with eyes closed One foot Two feet together One foot in front of other – heel to toe Coordination Finger to nose

11 Getting Worse?? Headache gets worse Cannot fully awaken Memory loss
Vomiting Increased confusion Increased irritability Seizure Weakness/numbness in arms and/or legs Slurred speech Balance problems

12 Concussion Treatment REST!!! Physical rest Cognitive rest
No activity whatsoever Cognitive rest No television, video games, reading, thinking

13 Return to play Once you have NO symptoms… Cleared by doctor
Pass concussion test Four day return to play protocol Day One – light aerobic exercise (jog, bike) Day Two – Sport specific drills (jumping, sprinting) Day Three – Light practice Day Four – full practice Day Five – full return If you get symptoms at point, need to rest and then start all over

Rapid swelling of the brain that occurs when someone sustains a second head injury/concussion before the previous head injury has resolved. This can be a very minor injury (2nd one) that causes major problems. This typically is fatal. Athlete must be rushed to hospital IMMEDIATELY.

15 CTE – Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Progressive degenerative brain disease seen in those with repeated trauma Athletes - Football, military Protein in the brain builds up and kills brain cells Symptoms: memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, paranoia, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, and eventually progressive dementia Become a very big problem for former NFL players Can only be diagnosed on autopsy

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