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A Brief Analysis of Pop Music Industry in America and China

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1 A Brief Analysis of Pop Music Industry in America and China
Magazine feature of Global Communication & Mass Media Shawn

2 The background In the field of pop music industry, American pop music has a long process of natural growth which originated from daily life, and finally it formed its own characteristic and style which made it a benchmark among the world pop music. On the oter hand, Chinese pop music just has a short developing history, and it started from reference and imitation. Compared with America, it still has a large gap and there are many differences of pop music industry in these two countries. In the magazine feature, the author will discuss the difference from several aspects: Copyright policy Music Award System Regional development models

3 Research question Objectives:
What's the difference of pop music industry in America and China ? Objectives: Copyright Policy: The influence of copyright on the development of pop music Music Awards System: The authority and fairness of music awards system Reginal development model: Which kind of regional development mode is more suitable for the pop music industry

4 Key things hope to find In the beginning, I try to find what made American pop music so popular and the reason why it can become the weather vane of world pop music. On the other hand, as an ancient civilization which has thousands years history and rich music cultural foundation, what can Chinese pop music do to enhance its impact in the world?

5 Copyright Policy With the development of network technology, traditional record industry have to transform by establishing online store to sell electronic records on network market. America has a highly mature copyright protection system. In America, almost every musical and audio-visual products have copyright. Any organization and individual can’t download or spread them without authorization, because unsanctioned downloading or spreading is illegal in America. I In China, As a result of the imperfect network censorship and unsound copyright protection system in China, people can get various related network musical resources online freely. The purpose of the establishment of copyright protection system is to protect the interests of copyright owners inviolable. Depend on such protection system, musicians can get considerable income by their music works which greatly mobilize their enthusiasm of music creation. The copyright protection dramatically improve the booming development of pop music industry.

6 Music Awards System To honor and confirm the musician’s contribution to pop music and summarize the trend of pop music industry of the year, both China and America have established professional music awards system to make selection and statistics. The Billboard Chart and Grammy Awards are the most authoritative and influential music awards systems in America and even in the world pop music field. These two music awards system have rigorous selection process and strict censorship. It’s result of vote and date collection are open and transparent to the public. Getting awards from these two systems is regarded as a glory to every musician and also it will bring them more popularity and opportunities. Compared with Billboard Charts and Grammy Awards, Chinese music awards system has a short history which just began since 1987 and it’s still immature in many aspects during its operation. One worrying problem is black box operation, a case about a famous Chinese musical awards, Mengniu Music Billboard happened in 2007 exposed the credibility lack of Chinese music awards system.

7 Regional development models of pop music industry
There’s a big difference about the regional development of music genres in China and America. As the center of pop music around the world, many mainstream music genres originated in America. Among them, there are several representative examples like country music, R&B, Jazz, and Rock. The regional development of American pop music is special, we can find that in America, different music genres distribute in different area, and every region has a set of mature and developed music industry chain from music creation to selling. Nashville New Orleans

8 Nashville, the name of a TV show which produced by ABC

9 With such regional deveopment of music genres, related resources can be effectively concerntrated and used to high quality muscic creation. Clustered industry developing mode can realize massive promotion and make great influence easily. It also provide more opportunnities for talented musicians and the fierce competition will increase the vitality of the whole music industry. In China, except for Beijing, the captial, most major music industries are focused on big coastal cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The regional developing mode like America has not formed yet, niether do the market segment. Under such circumstance, most resources and music talents flowed to minor big cities which may cause the unbalance of the music industrial distribution. And because of the fast-paced way of life and strong commercial atmosphere, it’s difficult for music industries to realize market segments and to invest more resources in the creation of music genres.

10 American pop music has a long process of natural growth, it originated from life, the emotion of life determined the communication form of music. During its formation, there’s no preexistent or external reference and imitation. This kind of natural origin from life is the characteristics which Chinese pop music don’t have. The development of Chinese pop music is unnatural, the meaning of the unnatural can be divided into two parts: Firstly, the external environment has given a shaped pattern in which Chinese pop music quickly entered. It shortened the distance of development which removed the origin of folk life. Secondly, the historical starting point of Chinese pop music is a political environment, music was a tool to realize the political purpose. The most natural and direct emotional expression was pulled away. In the comparison with American pop music, Chinese pop music just has a decades developing history, there is still a large gap between this two country. Chinese pop music is in its intial stage, but in the past few years, it try to keep exploring and learning from other countries to find a model which is suitable for its own development. Since China has a traditional culture basis on music for thousands years, it can be expected that Chinese pop music will play an important role in the field of pop music around the world in the near future.

11 New question come to light
Future direction Analysis on the history of Amercan pop music. The influence of American pop music to the world. New question come to light How can Chinese pop music find its own way to affect the world ?

12 Thank You!

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