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1 growthTRACK


3 LOVE PEOPLE History of the Church. Purpose of Crossing Place Church.
Leadership Structure and Membership. Loving People in Relationships.

4 CPC’s Purpose Jesus First. Love People. Keep Moving. Live Generously.
When Jesus heard this, he told them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.” – Mark 2:17 Jesus First. Love People. Keep Moving. Live Generously. 17

5 CPC’s Purpose Jesus First – Sunday Experience.
Our Sunday services focus on four values. Celebration. Inspiration. Preparation. Salvation. 18-20

6 CPC’s Purpose How to share Jesus with others:
Accept the personal responsibility. Build a personal relationship. Share your personal story. Give a personal invitation. 21

7 CPC’s Purpose Love People – Small Groups.
Small groups provide three things: A place to connect with others. A place to protect each other. A place to grow together. 22

Our groups are free-market. We have three semesters every year. You can join a group. You can lead a group. 24

9 CPC’s Purpose Keep Moving – Growth Track. 25

10 CPC’s Purpose Live Generously – Dream Team. At Crossing Place Church:
Every member is a minister. Every task is important. Every member is a “10” in some area. 27

11 LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE Made up of two groups: Guided by Pastors.
Protected by Elders. Our church is a part of the Assemblies of God network. 29

12 CHURCH FINANCES Three areas of giving: Tithe. Offerings.
Gift of giving. 30

13 NEXT STEPS Join a small group. Lead a small group.
Pray about membership. 34

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