BEST PRACTICE Delivering relevant and current services to the

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Presentation on theme: "BEST PRACTICE Delivering relevant and current services to the"— Presentation transcript:

1 BEST PRACTICE Delivering relevant and current services to the
Tasmanian paddling community

2 The questions that continually guide our thinking and planning
Who are we working for? How can we meet their needs?

3 Knowing the Tasmanian paddling community includes knowing....
Diversity of paddling – craft, activities and venues Diversity of paddlers – age, gender, ability, motivations for paddling Issues of paddlers – safety, training, information Direction the paddlers are taking paddling – interests, travel, commercialism, waterfalls

4 Meeting needs includes recognising that.....
Some needs remain the same Some needs change

5 Some needs remain the same
Canoe Education Weekends with instructor and skills courses.

6 Some needs change Canoe Education courses for different craft

7 Meeting needs of existing groups
Increased number of sea kayak courses. Use of international instructors.

8 Meeting needs of emerging groups
Events run for Ocean skis and multi-sport kayaks.

9 Meeting needs in remote areas
Flinders Island Coastal Guide and Skills course for island residents, youth and tourism workers.

10 Anticipation of needs Upskilling whitewater paddlers in river rescue as more paddlers tackle harder whitewater rivers.

11 Responding to needs YouTube clips and DVD produced to assist instructors, as well as paddlers.

12 Pathways to meet all needs

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