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Intercultural awareness through contents in CLIL Primary Education

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1 Intercultural awareness through contents in CLIL Primary Education
3rd International Conference on Bilingual Education Elisa Pérez Gracia University of Cordoba

2 ABSTRACT CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) takes into account the promotion of intercultural awareness so it coincides with a current social need due to the increasing multicultural and plurilingual societies in which we coexist. Therefore, the main goal of this study is to examine how Primary Education CLIL teachers put into practise the intercultural axis of this methodological approach through the contents of their teaching planning. Through an open-question survey, we analysed the opinions of 59 Primary Education CLIL teachers from Cordoba who were working in private and semi-private schools during the academic year 2015/2016. On the one hand, Atlas.ti has been used on its two options for the analysis of the qualitative data: the textual (to get the corresponding categories and subcategories) and the conceptual analysis (to establish the relationships between them), thus generating the corresponding and pertinent networks. This analysis enabled us to reduce, categorise, summarise and compare the information. It consists in developing a process of organisation and systematisation of the information before the interpretation and conclusions. On the other hand, SPSS v. 21 was used for the quantitative data analysis (descriptive analysis) in order to get information about the frequency of each code so as to check how interviewed teachers implement the intercultural axis of CLIL within their planning and the different reasons why they do it. The results show that there are three subjects whose content enable the development of the intercultural axis of CLIL: Social Science (73.7%), Natural Science (18.4%) and Arts and Crafts (7.9%). The block of content that has been mentioned by the highest number of teachers belongs to Social Science, namely living in society. La presentación de este trabajo se estructura en cinco bloques de contenidos que hacen referencia: La justificación El segundo bloque, marco teórico En el tercer bloque diseño de la investigación El cuarto bloque resultados El último bloque recoge las conclusiones y propuestas para la PÉREZ, E.

3 OUTLINE Theoretical Conclusions Introduction Results Background
Methodology Results Conclusions La presentación de este trabajo se estructura en cinco bloques de contenidos que hacen referencia: La justificación El segundo bloque, marco teórico En el tercer bloque diseño de la investigación El cuarto bloque resultados El último bloque recoge las conclusiones y propuestas para la PÉREZ, E.

1.Introduction (I) 1. INTRODUCTION Active citizenship Context Globalisation 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 3. METHODOLOGY Cultural diversity Communication 4. RESULTS 5. CONCLUSIONS Figure 1: Context PÉREZ, E.

5 1.2 Introduction (II) Education System Societal demands Teachers
Students 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND CLIL 3. METHODOLOGY Critical thinking skills 4. RESULTS Linguistic skills Integral learning Intercultural awareness 5. CONCLUSIONS Figure 2: Response to societal demands PÉREZ, E.

6 2. Theoretical Background (I)
Content and Language Integrated Learning Content - Curriculum requirements - New content - Rich and real input Cognition - New ways of learning - Extrapolation of strategies - High Order Thinking Skills Communication - Opinions, thoughts and values - Learning to use the language - Language of/for/through learning Culture - Coexistence in a globalised world - Diverse cultural perspectives - Intercultural understanding 1. INTRODUCTION 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 3. METHODOLOGY 4. RESULTS 5. CONCLUSIONS Intercultural PÉREZ, E.

7 2. Theoretical Background (II)
The 4Cs Framework holds that it is through progression in knowledge, skills and understanding of the subject matter, engagement in associated cognitive processing, interaction in a communicative context, developing appropriate language knowledge and skills as well as acquiring a deepening intercultural awareness through the positioning of self and ‘otherness’, that effective CLIL takes place whatever the model (Coyle 2008: 104). 1. INTRODUCTION 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND CLIL AXES COGNITION CONTENT COMMUNICATION CULTURE But… 3. METHODOLOGY 4. RESULTS 5. CONCLUSIONS PÉREZ, E.

8 Reasons and needs to develop the intercultural axis of CLIL
2. Theoretical Background (III) Reasons and needs to develop the intercultural axis of CLIL It includes within their theoretical background the development of interculturalism (Marsh 2001). “… the role of ‘culture’ in CLIL is fundamental … for this integration to be effective it …should be planned systematically through the development of ‘intercultural learning’.” (Coyle 2009: 105). This interest coincides with the educational goals for the 21st century (Mehisto, Marsh and Frigols 2008). Quality education for all regardless of cultures, beliefs, customs and religions (UNESCO 2012). Not many studies connected to the intercultural axis of CLIL up to the moment (Méndez García 2014; Sudhoff 2010). 1. INTRODUCTION 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 3. METHODOLOGY 4. RESULTS 5. CONCLUSIONS PÉREZ, E.

3. Methodology (I) Hypothesis 1. INTRODUCTION CLIL teachers in private and semi-private Primary Education schools are implementing the intercultural axis through the curricular content in their planning. 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 3. METHODOLOGY Objective To know if the intercultural axis is being implemented by private and semi-private school CLIL teachers in content of their didactic planning 4. RESULTS 5. CONCLUSIONS PÉREZ, E.

3. Methodology (II) Instrument 1. INTRODUCTION Open-question questionnaire. 3 parts: identification data, previous knowledge and implementation of the intercultural axis in the teaching planning. 16 questions / 8 dimensions. Validation: panel of experts. 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 3. METHODOLOGY Participants 4. RESULTS 59 Primary Education CLIL teachers (private and semi-private schools in Cordoba). 60% women. Average age: 35 years old. CLIL teaching experience years: 1-4 years * 5. CONCLUSIONS PÉREZ, E.

11 Statistical Processing Statistical Processing
Law & Curriculum 3. Methodology (III) Statistical Processing 1. INTRODUCTION 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Statistical Processing Purpose Content Analysis Textual Conceptual To reduce, categorise, summarise and compare the information. It consists in developing a process of organisation and systematisation of the information before the interpretation and conclusions. Descriptive Analysis Frequencies Mean values To know the degree of agreement or disagreement with the different dimensions of the questionnaire and the items of the rubric to determine whether teachers and teachers’ textbooks take into account the intercultural axis of CLIL in the objectives, contents, competences, resources and materials, strategies and evaluation and how they consider it. ATLAS.TI 3. METHODOLOGY SPSS v. 21 4. RESULTS 5. CONCLUSIONS PÉREZ, E.


5. Conclusions (I) The teachers who have participated in our study believe that contents related to environmental studies and artistic studies are more likely to work on the intercultural axis of this methodological approach. . The blocks of contents that are likely to the advancement of the intercultural axis of CLIL, we have two categories that correspond to two fields of knowledge. On the one hand, we have Environmental Studies. It is divided into Social Science and Natural Science. The teachers, who answered this question affirmed they promote interculture through Social Science content (73.7%), Natural Science content (18.4%) and Arts & Crafts (7.9%). The most cited content has to do with the linguistic ones (60%) followed by popular traditions (36%) and artistic contents (4%). 1. INTRODUCTION 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 3. METHODOLOGY 4. RESULTS 5. CONCLUSIONS PÉREZ, E.

14 REFERENCES Coyle, D. “Promoting cultural diversity through intercultural understanding: A case study of CLIL teacher professional development at in-service and pre-service levels.” Content and Language Integrated Learning: Cultural Diversity, edited by María L. Carrió Pastor, Peter Lang, 2009, pp. 105–24. Marsh, David, et al. Pro ling European CLIL Classrooms – Languages Open Doors. University of Jyväskyla, 2001. Mehisto, P., et al. Uncovering CLIL. Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2008. Méndez García, María C. “The intercultural turn brought about by the implementation of CLIL programmes in Spanish monolingual areas: a case study of Andalusian primary and secondary schools.” The Language Learning Journal, vol. 41, no. 3, 2014, pp Sudhoff, Julian. “CLIL and Intercultural Communicative Competence: Foundations and Approaches towards a Fusion.” International CLIL Research Journal, vol. 1, no. 3, 2010, pp UNESCO. Guidelines on Intercultural Education, 2012, org/images/0014/001478/147878e.pdf PÉREZ, E.

15 Intercultural awareness through contents in CLIL Primary Education
3rd International Conference on Bilingual Education Elisa Pérez Gracia University of Cordoba

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