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Presentation on theme: "CH7 - CISG."— Presentation transcript:

1 CH7 - CISG

2 Pre-session task - feedback
audio files: well-done good intonation and stressing nice phrases for signalling pronunciation of some words: determine, irrevocable, breach, occur 3 minutes: oral exam practice

3 Pre-session task - feedback
the choice of vocabulary: technical vocab - decision: do you need this word? = is it a key word? (yes: revocable, no: derogate, admonish) is it known? (breach: yes, aggrieved: no) necessary & unknown word: explain unnecesary unknown word: use a synonym

4 Correct the following sentences:
a) I’d like to introduce you the scope of application. I’d like to introduce the scope of application. b) They are not able guarantee contractual terms. They are not able to guarantee contractual terms. c) Adoption those conventions took place in 1980.   The adoption of those conventions took place in 1980.

5 Correct the following sentences:
d) Contracts for the international trade of goods are applicated in international purchase of goods. Contracts for the international trade of goods are applied in international purchase of goods. e) Contractual parties can agree on terms. Contracting parties can agree on (contractual) terms.

6 f) According to the Convention is possible to suspend the performance.
According to the Convention it is possible to suspend the performance. g) For elimination of mistakes has to be goods compared with documents. The goods have to be compared to the documents to eliminate mistakes.

7 Class Presentation in Groups - everybody speaking, no reading
audience questions - oral exam practice - cards with question words: what, when, …

8 CISG Song whose life is described in the song?
what is the significance of CISG? compare the life before and after CISG which legal issues are covered in the song? which technical vocabulary from our course is mentioned in the song? have you noticed any strange grammatical features? which?

9 Definitions remedy suspension declaration of avoidance conformity
exemption impediment proposal B D A E C G F

10 Noun - Verb to fail to suspend to declare to conform to accept to breach / to break failure suspension declaration conformity acceptance breach

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