{ } Yellow Vocab Sheet { } Notebook

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1 { } Yellow Vocab Sheet { } Notebook

2 Vocabulary List 1

3 Sentences 1. The use of the color red is considered auspicious in China. 2. We were disquieted by strange noises in the house. 3. She listened to his explanation with an incredulous smile. 4. His behavior lately is completely unfathomable to imagine. 5. John vacillated for so long that someone else stepped in and made the decision.

4 1. Auspicious (adj.) - suggesting that future success is likely
Synonym: Optimistic Antonym: Hopeless 2. Disquiet (v.) – take away peace and tranquility Synonym: Bother Antonym: Soothe 3. Incredulous (adj.) feeling or showing a lack of belief Synonym: Disbelief Antonym: Belief 4. Unfathomable (adj.) impossible to comprehend Synonym: Baffling (confusing) Antonym: Understanding 5. Vacillate (v.) – to waver in mind and feeling. Synonym: Hesitate Antonym: Plunge

5 Staple them together and turn into the bin
Nonfiction Article “Boredom” 1. Read the article. 2. Mark the text to show evidence of close reading. 3. Write a 1+ page reflection. What are your thoughts? What passage do you agree with or disagree with? Apply this to your own experience. Staple them together and turn into the bin

6 Create a visual for each word.
Auspicious Disquiet Incredulous Unfathomable Vacillate Create a visual for each word.

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