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Vocabulary List Week 2.

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1 Vocabulary List Week 2

2 Directions To review: Fold your note paper in half length wise (hotdog style). On the left side we will put the word along with the part(s) of speech. On the right side we will define the word as well as write sentences showing the words used correctly.

3 Fragile

4 Ask yourself the following questions:
Have I ever heard this word before? Are there any root/suffixes/prefixes that sound familiar? What do I think this word means?

5 Fragile Fragile Adjective Easily broken
My grandmother puts away her fragile china whenever we come to visit. Raw eggs are more fragile than hard boiled ones. Now YOU write a sentence.

6 Fragile This tea cup is fragile-it would break into a million pieces if it were dropped on the floor.

7 Vast

8 Vast Vast(ly) Adjective Adverb Very large
Most of Montana and Wyoming are vast, open spaces. He has vastly underestimated her intelligence. Now you try!

9 This is a picture of a vast, uninhabited space.

10 Swagger

11 Swagger Swagger Verb Noun
Note: despite common slang “swag” is not an actual word A strut; to walk or conduct in a bragging, conceited way Kanye West often swaggers on stage while rapping. Many rappers are know for their swagger, it is part of the act. Now you write a sentence.

12 Swagger This guy has it!

13 Vivid

14 Vivid Vivid(ly) Adjective Adverb Lively; bright; full of life or color
That child sure does have a vivid imagination. I remember the dream so vividly-it’s like it really happened. Now write your own sentence.

15 The color of the sunset are quite vivid.

16 Soothe

17 Soothe Soothe(ing) Verb Adjective To calm or relieve; calming
When my daughter has nightmares I try to soothe her back to sleep. The music was soothing, helping me relax. Your turn to write a sentence.

18 The sound of water in nature is said to be very soothing.

19 Glutton

20 Glutton Glutton/Gluttony noun
Someone who eats or consumes too much; the act of consuming too much. John is such a glutton, he eats a gallon of ice cream in one sitting. Gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins. Now you try!

21 This man has obviously eaten too much.
Glutton This man has obviously eaten too much.

22 Irate

23 Irate Irate Adjective Very angry
The teacher was irate when only 3 students turned in the homework. Traffic makes me irate. You try now.

24 When you feel so mad steam might come out of your ears!
Irate When you feel so mad steam might come out of your ears!

25 Prompt

26 Prompt Prompt(ly) Adjective Adverb On time; done without delay
Emily never keeps people waiting, she is very prompt. Dinner will begin promptly at 6pm. Now write your own example.

27 Being prompt is a very good trait to have.

28 Dictator

29 Dictator Dictator Noun A ruler with absolute power and authority
Our system of check and balances stops us from having a dictator in the United States. Just because someone is a dictator does not mean they are a tyrant.

30 Hugo Chavez is the dictator of Venezuela.

31 Intoxicated

32 Intoxicated Intoxicated/ Intoxicating Adjective Drunk; exhilarated
It is illegal to drive a car while intoxicated The smell of her perfume was so intoxicating that it made Jesse fall in love with her.

33 Intoxicated This woman is exhilarated by the great outdoors, or she is drunk, its hard to tell.

34 BONUS WORDS Remember these won’t be on the quiz but can be used for extra credit in the vocabulary story.

35 Palatial

36 Palatial Palatial Adjective Suitable for a palace or palace-like.
Donald Trump’s palatial home has gold faucets and door knobs. Her palatial estate featured horse stables, a tennis court, and an indoor pool.

37 This is a photo of a palatial home.

38 Omen

39 Omen Omen Noun A sign or warning of things to come.
Rain on your wedding day is surprisingly seen as a good omen.

40 Omen According to superstition this couple is going to have a long, happy life together.

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