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How to use past papers effectively.

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Presentation on theme: "How to use past papers effectively."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to use past papers effectively.

2 You will need the following.
Your texbooks Your syllabus, a list of everything you have to know and will be tested on. Plain or lined paper And pens…… A selection of past papers, markschemes and examiners reports

3 What to do. Using your syllabus write down a single learning outcome from it. E.g. Be able to explain the properties of ionic compounds and relate them to their structure.

4 What to do. Using your text books & paper/pens write revision notes on the learning outcome you have chosen. This must be on one side of the paper ONLY! Remember all the different ways to write revision notes – mind maps, written notes etc…

5 What to do. Using your past papers identify questions that are on the learning outcome you are revising. Go to the markscheme and examiners report, make sure your notes cover all the content of the markscheme and the points raised in the examiners report.

6 What to do. Go back to your revision notes… add to them, make sure all the information you need is now in them. This is why you only wrote on one side before so you have space to add information! REVISE using them………

7 What to do. After ALL this…… NOW… attempt the past paper questions and then mark them. If you didn’t get enough marks to get to your TAG on the questions, go through the process again until you reach your TAG.

8 What do you have now… That you didn’t have before
Simple revision techniques How to write revision notes EVEN more revision techniques How to write mind-maps How to use past-papers effectively

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