The evolution of the atom

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Presentation on theme: "The evolution of the atom"— Presentation transcript:

1 The evolution of the atom
What is an Atom

2 What is an atom An atom is the smallest particle of an element that retains its identity in a chemical reaction The atom has three basic parts Protons – positively charged particles Neutrons – particles with zero charge Both found in the Nucleus Electrons – negatively charged particles

3 To the starting line Democritus (470-380 B.C.)
Proposed matter could not be divided into smaller and smaller pieces forever Called small, hard particles “atomos” Father of modern atomic thought

4 Several hundred years later…
John Dalton 1808 An English teacher Created first atomic theory Viewed atoms as tiny, solid spheres

5 Dalton Says Atoms are tiny, invisible particles
Atoms of one “element” are the same Atoms of different elements are different Compounds form by combining atoms in simple whole number ratios Dalton Say’s stand on one foot Dalton Say’s start jumping Stop!

6 It’s Electric! J.J. Thomson 1897 Cathode Ray Experiment
Proved existence of smaller particles Proposed a (-) particle

7 ELECTRON!!! Time For Pudding
Thomson developed the “plum-pudding” model A negative charge particle is found inside a positive dough ELECTRON!!!

8 PROTONS!!! Let’s get nuclear Ernest Rutherford 1911
Showed atoms have (+) particles in the center and are mostly empty space Later calls the center the nucleus PROTONS!!!

9 The experiment

10 Now enter bohr Niels Bohr 1913 Improved Rutherford’s design
Proposed electrons move in shells at a specific energy level

11 Where’s the beef? James Chadwick 1932
Discovers neutrons with Rutherford Particles have NO charge (hence neutral = neutrons) also found in the nucleus

12 How about now? The Modern Model 1932 – present
Electrons move in a cloud It is impossible to know where any one electron is at a given time


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