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Homeostasis in Organisms

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1 Homeostasis in Organisms

2 Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration Enzymes/Feedback Immunity Lab 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 The energy that photosynthesis transforms into glucose originates in
Sunlight Minerals Chloroplasts A) Sunlight

4 Photosynthesis - 200 Guard cells control the opening and closing of stomates (pores) in leaves to control the loss of: Oxygen Carbon dioxide Glucose Water D) Water

5 Photosynthesis - 300 Which would be a way to stop photosynthesis?
Stop light from reaching plant Stop eating vegetables Convert glucose to ATP Store sugar A) Stop light from reaching plant

6 Photosynthesis - 400 Light energy is captured in _______ and stored as _______. Photosynthesis, Inorganic Molecules Respiration, Inorganic Molecules Photosynthesis, Organic Molecules Respiration, Organic Molecules C) Photosynthesis, Organic Molecules

7 Photosynthesis - 500 Photosynthesis organisms undergo:
Heterotrophic Nutrition Heterotrophic Absorption Autotrophic Nutrition Autotrophic Absorption C) Autotrophic Nutrition

8 Cellular Respiration - 100
Cellular Respiration stores energy as Lipids ATP Glucose Proteins B) ATP

9 Cellular Respiration - 200
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration take place in: Chlorophyll and Chloroplasts Cytoplasm and Cell membrane Vacuoles and Mitochondria Chloroplasts and Mitochondria D) Chloroplasts and Mitochondria

10 Cellular Respiration - 300
Which product of respiration would not be considered waste and be excreted? ATP Carbon Dioxide Water A) ATP

11 Cellular Respiration - 400
Respiration: ____+____ ATP + carbon dioxide + water Glucose and Oxygen Glucose and Sun Oxygen and Sun Water and Oxygen A) Glucose and Oxygen

12 Cellular Respiration - 500
During Respiration, energy is released from Oxygen Atoms Water Molecules Carbon Dioxide Chemical Bonds D) Chemical Bonds

13 Enzymes/Feedback – 100 Enzymes are a type of specifically folded ______. The folding determines its ________. Carbohydrate, Charm Nucleic Acid, pH Protein, Function Lipid, Temperature C) Protein, Function

14 Enzymes/Feedback - 200 Feedback mechanisms are designed to help
Keep you sane Keep the body in homeostasis Keep glucose from being used in respiration B) Keep the body in homeostasis

15 The body regulates the amount of glucose in the blood by releasing:
Enzymes/Feedback - 300 The body regulates the amount of glucose in the blood by releasing: Insulin

16 Negative or Positive Feedback?
Enzymes/Feedback - 400 This is an example of: Negative or Positive Feedback? Negative

17 Which enzyme (line) will work best in the stomach?
Enzymes/Feedback - 500 Which enzyme (line) will work best in the stomach? Blue Line

18 Immunity - 100 When an organism fails to maintain homeostasis, ______results. Illness Dynamic Equilibrium Increased enzyme activity D) Insulin production A) Illness

19 Immunity - 200 This is an example of maintaining: Dynamic Equilibrium
Body temperature Immunity A) Dynamic Equilibrium

20 An organism that is harmful to the body is known as:
Immunity - 300 An organism that is harmful to the body is known as: Antigen Pathogen Antibody Waste B) Pathogen

21 Immunity - 400 The surface proteins on the outside of cell membrane that immune cells recognize are known as___. Antibodies Receptors Pathogens Antigens D) Antigens

22 B) attacking, antibodies
Immunity - 500 White blood cells help cure illnesses by ____ pathogens and producing ____. attacking, antigens attacking, antibodies antigens, antibodies destroying, antigens B) attacking, antibodies

23 Lab - 100 Starch appears cloudy in solution but will turn ____ in the presence of iodine. Clear Blue Black Amber C) Black

24 Lab - 200 Plant cells can die due to Salt being added to environment
Excess water being added to environment Moving glucose A) Salt being added to environment

25 Lab - 300 The formation of ______ in muscle cells is associated with muscle fatigue. Oxygen Carbohydrates Enzymes Lactic Acid D) Lactic Acid

26 Lab - 400 Benedicts solution turns from _____to ____ in color in the presence of Glucose. White to Blue Orange to White Blue to White Blue to Black C) Blue to White

27 Lab - 500 Cell membrane is selectively permeable, which means
It lets all things pass Lets some things pass Lets nothing pass B) Lets some things pass

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