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Andrew Jackson: 1767 - 1845.

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Presentation on theme: "Andrew Jackson: 1767 - 1845."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrew Jackson:


3 Champion of the “Common Man”?
Essential Question: Champion of the “Common Man”? “King” Andrew? OR

4 Why Increased Democratization?
White male suffrage increased Party nominating committees. Spoils system. Rise of Third Parties. Popular campaigning (parades, rallies, floats, etc.) Two-party system returned in the 1828 election: Dem-Reps  Natl. Reps.(1828)  Whigs (1832)  Republicans (1854) Democrats (1828)

5 Jackson's First Presidential Run

6 The Center of Population in the Country Moves WEST

7 The New “Jackson Coalition”
The Planter Elite in the South People on the Frontier State Politicians – spoils system Immigrants in the cities.

8 Jackson’s Faith in the “Common Man”
Intense distrust of Eastern “establishment,” monopolies, & special privilege. His heart & soul was with the “plain folk.” Belief that the common man was capable of uncommon achievements.

9 Election Results

10 12.3

11 Andrew Jackson as President

12 The Nullification Issue

13 Sen. Daniel Webster [MA]
The Webster-Hayne Debate Sen. Daniel Webster [MA] Sen. Robert Hayne [SC]

14 1830 Webster: Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable.
Jackson: Our Federal Union—it must be preserved. Calhoun: The Union, next to our liberty, most dear.

15 The Tariff Issue

16 1832 Tariff Conflict 1828 --> “Tariff of Abomination”
> new tariff South Carolina’s reaction? Jackson’s response?


18 12.3 Pop Quiz This debate is considered one of the most famous around the issue of nullification. This was the first state to threaten secession. This man proposed the doctrine of nullification. This man came up with a compromise tariff in 1833 to appease southern states. Why was the northeast against public land in the west being sold at low prices?

19 Webster-Hayne South Carolina Calhoun Clay Would take away workers.

20 12.3 Pop Quiz Why was the North in favor of higher tariffs?
This man proposed the doctrine of nullification. This was the first state to threaten secession. In the Webster-Hayne debate, this man was pro-nullification. This man came up with a compromise tariff in 1833 to appease southern states.

21 Made importing goods more expensive.
Calhoun South Carolina Robert Y. Hayne Henry Clay

22 12.4

23 12.4 Quiz This group created a political party to mock “King Andrew”.
This man was the head of the 2nd Bank of the United States. This was caused due to the attacks on the banks and specie circular. How did Andrew Jackson kill the bank?

24 5. Who is the man the arrow is pointing to?

25 Renewing the Charter of the 2nd National Bank

26 Jackson’s Use of Federal Power
VETO!! Do you remember the process?

27 The National Bank Debate
President Jackson Nicholas Biddle

28 The “Monster” Is Destroyed!
“pet banks”? 1832  Jackson vetoed the extension of the 2nd National Bank of the United States. 1836  the charter expired. 1841  the bank went bankrupt!

29 The Downfall of “Mother Bank”

30 An 1832 Cartoon: “King Andrew”?

31 1832 Election Results Main Issue?

32 Questions: What happens when there is too much paper money in an economy? Why does gold go up in value while the dollar falls?

33 Start at 1:00

34 The Specie Circular (1836) buy future federal land only with gold or silver. Jackson’s goal?

35 Results of the Specie Circular
Banknotes lose their value. Land sales plummeted. Credit not available. Businesses began to fail. Unemployment rose. The Panic of 1837!

36 The 1836 Election Results Martin Van Buren “Old Kinderhook” [O. K.]

37 The Panic of 1837 Spreads Quickly!

38 Andrew Jackson in Retirement

39 Photo of Andrew Jackson in 1844 (one year before his death)

40 Good or Bad President? Expanding America State Rights The Banks
Good: Americans are expanding into regions they were not in before. America is growing as a country. Bad: Trail of Tears/Indian Removal Act State Rights Good: Country remains united. Tax issue is settled for now. Bad: Tensions are growing between North and South. The Banks Good: Banks no longer control politicians/economic policy. Citizens feel their voice is heard. Bad: Panic of 1837

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