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[The Meaning of Life] Where Are You Going?

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Presentation on theme: "[The Meaning of Life] Where Are You Going?"— Presentation transcript:

1 [The Meaning of Life] Where Are You Going?
Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 [The Meaning of Life] Where Are You Going?

2 You Are Going to Die Hebrews 9:27
Atheism & some other belief systems view death as the end Get the most out of life More the death awaiting for us – there is the certainty of judgement

3 What Judgment Means Accountable for How we Live our Life
Belief in most religions Criteria for judgment varies What happens after death determined by how life lived God has a purpose for His creation and we are responsible for meeting that purpose

4 What Judgment Means Everyone judged by what they have done – 2 Corinthians 5:10 Everything judged, even things done in secret- Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 How we live determines our destiny – John 5:28,29 The criteria is how we live our life – Romans 2:6-11

5 What Judgment Means Means there is more that this life
Righteous inherit kingdom prepared for them – Matthew 25:34 It is eternal life – Romans 2:7 The wicked also have a place prepared for them- Matthew 25:41 It too is eternal – Matthew 25:46

6 How do we know what is after death?
Because someone has died and has returned to tell us – Acts 17:30,31 Death and Resurrection firmly proven- 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 If it were not true, there would be no hope – 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 The One Who returned is our judge – 1 Corinthians 4:3-5 Preaching of this as Christ’s command- Acts 10:42 A day has been appointed for the judgment – 2 Timothy 4:1

7 What are You going? We’ve all sinned – Romans 3:23
We are all guilty of sin – 1 John 1:8,10 If that were the end of the story – each of out destinies would be sealed – Romans 6:23 Jesus came for the purpose of offering eternal life Reconciled to God by Jesus’ death – Romans 5:6-10 It was Jesus’ purpose in life – John 3:16

8 How do You respond to the offer?
Listen to God’s teachings – Romans 10:14:17 Believe the message – John 8:24; Romans 5:1,2 Conform your life to that teaching – Acts 3:19 Be bold in your belief – Matthew 10:32,33 Access the gift – Romans 6:3-7; Acts 2:38

9 Time to Find Purpose and Meaning to Your Life
How do you know? Check it out! Satan offers cheap life of pleasure that appear bright and shiny on the surface but has no worth – Matthew 7:16-20 What makes life Better? What makes it worth living? What follows you into eternity?

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