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1920’s Slang.

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Presentation on theme: "1920’s Slang."— Presentation transcript:

1 1920’s Slang

2 All-Wet Wrong; Arguing a mistaken belief

3 Applesauce Nonsense

4 Banana Oil Nonsense

5 Bee’s Knees A great thing

6 Berries Anything wonderful

7 Bible Belt An area of the south pertaining to religion

8 Blind date A date with an unknown person

9 Big Cheese An important person

10 Bull Session An informal group discussion

11 Bump-off To murder

12 Cake Eater A ladies man

13 Carry a torch Unmatched love

14 Gatecrasher A person who attends a party without an invitation

15 Giggle water An alcoholic drink

16 Gin Mill A secret bar

17 Gold Digger A woman who uses feminine charm to take money from a man

18 Gyp To cheat out of

19 Hard-boiled Tough or without sentiment

20 Heebie-Jeebies The jitters

21 Hep wise

22 High Hat To snub or ignore

23 Hokum Nonsense

24 Hooch Bootleg liquor

25 Cat’s Meow Anything wonderful

26 Cheaters eyeglasses

27 Copacetic Excellent

28 Crush An infatuation with a person

29 Darb An excellent person or thing

30 Dogs Human feet

31 Drugstore Cowboy A fashionably dressed idler who hangs around public places trying to pick up girls

32 Dumb Dora A stupid girl

33 Fall Guy The person who takes the blame

34 Flapper A typical young girl of the 20’s usually with bobbed hair, short skirts, and rolled stockings

35 Flat Tire A boring person

36 Gam A girl’s leg

37 Main Drag The important street of the town

38 Neck A make out session

39 Nerts An interjection expressing disgust

40 Ossified drunk

41 Pet To caress intimately

42 Pinch To arrest

43 Ritzy Elegant

44 The Real McCoy The actual

45 Run Around Deceptive in response to a request

46 Scram To leave quickly

47 Screwy crazy

48 Hoofer A singing girl

49 Horsefeathers Nonsense

50 Hotsy-Totsy pleasing

51 Jake OK

52 Jalopy An old car

53 Keen appealing

54 Kiddo A familiar form of address

55 kisser The mouth

56 Line Insincere flattery

57 Lounge Lizard A ladies’ man

58 Push Over A thing easily overcome

59 Sheba A young, attractive woman

60 Sheik A young, attractive guy

61 Smeller The nose

62 Sob Sister A woman reporter who is too caring about the subject matter

63 Speak-Easy A secret bar

64 Spiffy A nice appearance

65 Spifflicated drunk

66 Struggle Buggy A car From its use as a place in which boys tried to seduce girls

67 Stuck on Having a crush on

68 Swanky fancy

69 Swell marvelous

70 Torpedo A hired gunman

71 Upchuck To vomit

72 Your Assignment Once you have defined the slang of the 1920’s you need to write a story where the main character is a high school kid from the 1920’s. Your story needs to be at least 2 pages long and use at least 20 different slang words. Your character can get him/herself into any situation you wish. Good Luck

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