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“..that they all may be one…” John 17:21

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Presentation on theme: "“..that they all may be one…” John 17:21"— Presentation transcript:

1 “…that you all agree, and that there be no divisions among you…” 1Corinthians 1:10
“..that they all may be one…” John 17:21 Is It Possible To Simply Be A Christian, Without Being A Member Of A Denomination? Revelation 22:18-19

2 The Example Of Christ Matthew 5:17-20
What Would Jesus Do? Matthew 5:17-20 Taught Individuals Need To Respect & Obey Mosaic Law As Long As Remains In Effect RELIGIOUS CLIMATE IN FIRST CENTURY: Nation & Religion Had Become Quite Sectarian; People Were Divided Into Various Sects… Pharisees Sadducees Essenes Herodians Zealots Jesus Did Not Identify With Any Of These Sects/Groups. What Would Jesus Do/Be Today? 1Corinthians 9:21

3 John 15:1 “The”: definitive article; beyond all others; used to indicate following noun is definite, unique, only one “True”: in accordance with facts or reality; that which is fitted or formed to a standard “Abide in Me, and I in you…” John 15:4 A Clear Focus On That Which Is Singular 2John 7-9; Jude 3

Matthew 16:18 “My” singular possessive pronoun (when used with respect to Deity, becomes a proper noun) “Church” singular noun Christ’s Church As Seen In First Century Totally Devoid Of Denominationalism Ephesians 1:19-22 One Body/One Head Ephesians 4:3-6 A ONENESS Ephesians 3:10 1Corinthians 1:10 1Corinthians 4:6

5 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15 Acts 20:29-30 2Thess. 2:3-4

6 DENOMINATION… As Defined By Thomas Holland “Ten Reason Why I Cannot Join Your Denomination” “A denomination is a religious organization that preaches and practices things that are not revealed in the Bible, or an emphasis is given to a Biblical doctrine that puts it in conflict with other Biblical doctrine, which necessitates the formulation of a human creed which must be accepted by people who would be a part of that denominational organization.” Church of Christ cartel congregations Colleges, periodicals setting agenda/doctrine

7 Militant Spiritual Advocacy
WHAT IS NEEDED: Militant Spiritual Advocacy Jeremiah 5: Jeremiah 6:16 2Corinthians 10:3-5

Not Reformation… Restoration: “The act or process of returning something to its original condition; the act of restoring something that existed before…” 2Timothy 1:13 “Retain the standard of sound words…” New Testament Christianity Nothing More: Nothing Less The Lord’s Church: Devoid Of Denominationalism Restored NOT Reformed 1Peter 4:11 “Whoever speaks, let him speak, as it were the utterances of God…”

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