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Данченко Дмитрий Николаевич

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Presentation on theme: "Данченко Дмитрий Николаевич"— Presentation transcript:

1 Данченко Дмитрий Николаевич
ГАОУ СПО РК «Керченский медицинский колледж» ГАОУ СПО РК «Керченский Медицинский Колледж» Факультет: «Лечебное дело» 2 курс Руководитель проекта: Журкина Мария Валериевна

2 Plan 1.Who is this Winston Churchill? 2.Parents 3.From childhood to the first successes 4.The World War I 5.The World War II 6.The post-war period 7.The greatest political player

3 Winston Churchill was a unique person
Winston Churchill was a unique person. He was a great writer, a journalist, a man of war, the Prime Minister of the UK and just a person ,who won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

4 Luxury cars, beautiful women and gorgeous guns are for James Bond
Luxury cars, beautiful women and gorgeous guns are for James Bond? No, you are wrong! Everything is for Winston Churchill!

5 Sir Winston Churchill was born on the 30 of November 1874 into the family of the Dukes of Marlborough. His father, Lord Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill ( ), was a politician; his mother, Jenny Jerome ( ) was an American socialite.

6 In 1895 after graduating from Royal Military College he started his successful career. Churchill was enrolled in the Fourth Hussars Her Majesty.

7 He also was a member of the Anglo-Boer War (1899- 1900)
He also was a member of the Anglo-Boer War ( ). Because Winston was in the war, he made himself a name and a little glory. Since that he was elected to the House of Commons.

8 In 1910 Winston Churchill got the Minister’s job of Internal Affairs of United Kingdom and in a year he became the first Lord of British Admiralty. Having been in a position of First Lord he encountered the First World War.

9 The First World War was the time of our hero
The First World War was the time of our hero. Churchill could take part in tanks planning and engineering design, also he was the starter of Dardanelles operation. He got new posts in the government - the Minister of War and the Minister of Aviation.

10 - Ian, I plead donkey and I am waiting for further orders - I am the same donkey as you are, Sir (с)Winston Churchill and Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton discussed the failure of Dardanelles operation. In spite of his posts he mixed with people on an equal footing.

11 The Inter-War Period was a time of political isolation for Churchill
The Inter-War Period was a time of political isolation for Churchill. He returned to his party and got a new post of Chancellor of the Exchequer..

12 The Second World War was the main period for Churchill
The Second World War was the main period for Churchill. During this period he was at the top of the governmental ladder and such events as Lend Lease Act to the soviet Union, the Battle of Britain and anti- Hitler coalition development should be emphasized.

13 Due to the fact that the World War II was coming to the end, the country needed to improve the economy. Churchill could not cope with this task and lost the election to the Labour Party. But he still introduced another his idea.

14 During his speech in Fulton he used a term the "Iron Curtain"
During his speech in Fulton he used a term the "Iron Curtain". Such way he suggested to all civilized countries to isolate the SSSR. And there was the same old game. It was Cold War. And after all in 1951 he became the Prime Minister despite his age and health.

15 In 1955 Churchill offered his resignation because of his health
In 1955 Churchill offered his resignation because of his health. Last time he participated session of the House of Commons in Churchill died of a heart attack on January 24, He was buried in St. Martin's cemetery in Blaydon.

16 Winston Churchill was and still remains the greatest man
Winston Churchill was and still remains the greatest man! He has had a long and good innings. I think, the Prime Minister of Great Britain - Winston Churchill, can safely be given the honorary title of "Best political figure of the twentieth century" is awarded to the Prime Minister of great Britain Winston Churchill.

17 Список использованной литературы:
1.Всемирная история. Т. XII / Отв. ред. Р. Ф. Иванов. — М.: Мысль, — 671 с. — С Бейли Б. Черчилль без лжи. За что его ненавидят. М.: Эксмо, — 320 с. 3. Роуз Норман. Черчилль. Бурная жизнь. — АСТ, — С R. Holmes, In the Footsteps of Churchill.' The Bubble Reputation 1895—1901. Basic Books, NY, Электронный словарь Мультитран [Электронный ресурс]. – 6.ABBY LINGVO [Электронный ресурс]. -

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