Addition of new filters to cash-06

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1 Addition of new filters to cash-06
Version 21.1 rep_change #2038 Sima Bloch

2 Agenda Introduction Example Configuration
Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

3 Introduction Purpose of Enhancement
To increase the flexibility of the cash-06 service, by enabling the customer to filter by: Patron status Patron Type Active / Non active patrons Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

4 Introduction Description (part 1 of 2):
When running cash-06 in order to print out notices to patrons who have debts exceeding the amount defined in this service, it is now possible to filter the patrons to which the report is sent by Patron Status, Patron Type and Active Patron. Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

5 Introduction Description (part 2 of 2):
The following new components have been added: Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

6 Agenda Introduction Example Configuration
Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

7 Example 1- Patron Status
Patron Description: Prof. Uzi Cohen Patron Status: 03 (Staff) Patron type: LA (Law school) Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

8 Example 1 Uzi owes the library the following amount:
Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

9 No filtering options in cash-06
Example 1 When running cash-06 in Aleph v20 for patrons who owe more than 4,000 : Aleph v20 No filtering options in cash-06 Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

10 Example 1 In Aleph v20 the letter is sent to Prof. Cohen:
Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

11 Example 1 When running cash-06 in Aleph v21 for: # All patron statuses except Staff # patrons who owe more than 4,000 Aleph-21 filtering options Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

12 The debt letter is not sent to Prof. Cohen since he was filtered out
Example 1 In Aleph-21: Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach The debt letter is not sent to Prof. Cohen since he was filtered out

13 Example 2- Active/ Inactive
Moshe 1: Owes 6,500 NIS He is an inactive user Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

14 Example 2 Moshe 2: Owes 6,500 NIS He is an active user
Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

15 Example 2 When executing the cash-06 Service for active users that owe more than 5,000, a letter is sent only to Moshe 2 and not to Moshe 1. Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

16 Example 3 – Patron Type Moshe 1: # Owes 5,500 NIS # Patron type: Medical School Moshe 2: # Owes 5,500 NIS # Patron type: Blank Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

17 Example 3 – Patron Type cash-06 with filtering: Patrons who owes more than: 5,000 Patron type= Medical School Output: Only Moshe1 Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

18 Agenda Introduction Example Configuration
Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach

19 Configuration If localization is required, the following lines should be added to ./aleph/pc_b_lng/p-cash-06.xml:  <control>         <expand_checkbox>                 <label>Patron Status</label>                 <source>BOR-STATUS</source>                 <argname>F06</argname>         </expand_checkbox> </control> <control>                 <argname>F07</argname>                 <label>Patron Type</label>                 <source>BOR-TYPE</source> <control>    <radio>                 <argname>F08</argname>                 <label>Include only Active Patrons</label>                 <source>explicit</source>                 <default>N</default>                 <ritem>                         <value>N</value>                         <display>No</display>                 </ritem>                         <value>Y</value>                         <display>Yes</display>         </radio> Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach


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