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Types of Business Ownership

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1 Types of Business Ownership
Key Terms

2 leanger napterrs ________ __________
________ __________ all have unlimited personal liability and take full responsibility for the management of a business. ________ __________

3 mildeti tailbiliy ________ _________
One advantage of corporations is that their shareholders have ___________ in the corporation, meaning they are liable only up to the amount of their individual investments. ________ _________

4 yitiballi Money owed to others is called ________ __________

5 Delitim iiblayitl canymop
A(n) __________ __________ ________ is a form of business organization that has limited liability for its members and also has the pass-through tax advantages of a partnership. ________ _________ _____

6 sentphairpr ___________
More than one owner share the business’s decisions and outcomes in a(n) ________________ ___________

7 C-corntorpoai ________________
The most common corporate form, the __________ protects the entrepreneur from being sued personally for actions or debts of the corporation. ________________

8 Dimetinul ailtyilbi _________________
When all debts incurred by a firm must be paid from the owner’s own assets, the owner has ___________ for the business. _________________

9 nno-pftiro satopocorirn
Charities and religions are two types of ________ ________, which make money for reasons other than the owners’ profit. ___________________

10 tiledim rentrap _________ _________
A(n) ________ _______’s liability is limited to his or her investment. _________ _________

11 pthebarcsu s toinapcorrro
In a(n) ________ _ _______, profits pass through the corporation and are taxed only once at the shareholder rate. _________ ____ __________

12 leso piershirtpopor ______ _________
In a(n) _______ _______, the owner is the only person responsible for the business’s activities and is the only one who receives profits. ______ _________

13 Scenario 4 You are considering purchasing a business that is for sale in your hometown. This is your opportunity of becoming a business owner by purchasing an existing business. Mr. Jacobs, the present owner, wishes to retire so he is looking for someone to purchase his business including the inventory and shop. After some market research and auditing his books, you decide to purchase the business. .

14 Scenario 5 Your family owns a restaurant in town. You are trying to talk them into opening a new restaurant across town near the university. You would be willing to run the new restaurant as a part of their business. With extra or old equipment, startup costs would be relatively low. Being new to the business, you will receive pay based upon a percent of the profit of the new restaurant. The family will also receive a percent of the profit for their support of the new restaurant.

15 Scenario 7 Sarah decided on a hot day in July that she wanted to sell lemonade on her street from 4:00 until 6:00 when neighbors and friends were returning home from work.  She talked with her mother about her plan.  She and her mom figured what it would cost her to make a gallon of lemonade and the cost for cups and ice.  They then calculated how much she would need to charge for each cup.  Sarah had to pay for her supplies but any money left was her profit.

16 Scenario 3 Janet found an article in the paper of a company that has a new makeup product to go on the market. The company is looking for people to join in their venture by making cash donations. Each person contributing will sign a business agreement and other required legal documents. Each investor will receive income based upon the amount of their investment of the $125,000. If you contributed $5,000, you would receive 4% of the net profit as a return. Each investor would be given a document indicating their share of ownership..

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