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Introduction to the Humanities

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1 Introduction to the Humanities
UNIT I: Lecture I

2 What are the humanities?
The creative process of tradition* as it occurred in the past and continues in the present. They communicate the values and truths of our society and reflect on human concerns. They are the vehicle by which traditions travel through time. *Tradition both in the sense of a cultural practice such as Thanksgiving or death rituals AND as in the phrase “Western philosophical tradition has long grappled with the idea of ‘free will.’”

3 An extended and more technical definition:
The humanities are academic disciplines that study the human condition, human constructs, and human concerns, using methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or speculative including literature, the arts, history and philosophy. These are distinguished from the mainly empirical approaches of the natural sciences which study natural processes (as in chemistry or physics) or those disciplines that study social relations (as in anthropology or economics).” (University of South Florida)

4 What does speculative mean?
Speculative means characterized by contemplation and conjecture. conjecture is a conclusion reached based on incomplete information The humanities approach their object of study through intellectual contemplation, consideration, and meditation. The ideas and/or theories that result from said meditation are not to be considered as conclusive. Speculation does not render demonstrable conclusions, only theoretical ones. In this way, the subject is left open for further inquiry.

painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, film Performing Arts: music, dance, and theater Literary Arts: poetry and prose

6 MODES OF REFLECTION Philosophy Religion History
The modes of reflection work in close relation with the modes of expression in their exploration of the human condition.

7 What questions are addressed by the humanities?
What is Truth? What is the nature of the divine? What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? How do we make meaning of things? What makes us human? ORIGIN & DESTINY

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