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Defend the Faith 101 Mormonism.

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1 Defend the Faith 101 Mormonism

2 Mormonism Statistics According to the office LDS website, there are over 15 million Mormons in the world. Mormons make up 58% of the population of Utah. (Pew Research Center) 1.7% of the total U.S. Population. (Pew Research Center) 86% of Mormons are white, only 3% are African American, 7% are Latino. (Pew Research Center)

3 Famous Mormons Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts, former Presidential Candidated Glenn Beck, Conservative Talk Show Radio Host. David Archuleta, Runner – Up on American Idol.

4 History of Mormonism. Founder: Joseph Smith Year: 1840
Location: Palmyra, New York. Sacred Scriptures: Bible, The Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, Doctrines and Covenants

5 History of Mormonism. Joseph Smith, age 15, at a revival.
Denominations competed to show how others were in the wrong. Smith is confused by all of this. Smith writes, “it was impossible for a person young as [he] was, and so unacquainted with men and things, to come to any certain conclusion who was right and who was wrong.” (Pearl of Great Price) Smith wants to know which denomination to join. James 1:5 is the passage he is reading when he ask God “which one to join”

6 History of MOrmonism God the Father and Jesus descend from the clouds and Jesus tells Smith to join none of them. The angel Moroni appears to Smith. He instructs him to go to a hill near his home where there are golden plates. , Smith translates the golden plates. This translation would become the Book of Mormon

7 Mormonism Published in 1830 and then the LDS would be formed thereafter. Smith would move to Nauvoo, IL after facing persecution from others 1831 – Smith receives a revelation from God commanding him to enter into plural marriages

8 Death of Joseph Smith A former friend writes an article accusing Smith of polytheism and polygamy. Smith and his brother destroy the printing press. They are arrested and jailed. Angry mob surrounded the jail, guns had been smuggled in for Smith and his brother to use. In the fight, Joseph is shot and killed.

9 What do Mormons Believe?
Authority: 1. The Book of Mormon Purports that Lehi, a Jewish man, fled with other Jews to Central America on a ship They multiplied into the Nephites and Lamanites. There was a war and the Nephites exterminated the Lamanites. The Nephites are the principle ancestors of the Native Americans

10 What Do Mormons believe?
Authority: 2. Doctrines and Covenant Largely a collection of prophecies by Joseph Smith 3. Pearl of Great Price A collection of five works: Smith’s inspired vision of Genesis 1-6:13 Book of Abraham. Supposed translation of Egyptian scrolls

11 What do Mormons Believe?
God: Not Eternal An exalted man. So Heavenly Father became God he was not always god

12 What Do Mormons Believe?
Jesus/Humanity: Spirit children Period of life before life on this earth called the First Estate . Jesus was to be the Savior of this world. Lucifer is Jesus’ brother, according to Mormon belief.

13 What do Mormons Believe
Also a part of the plan, humanity would have free will. Or the “ability to choose and act for yourself” Humanity does not possess a sin nature. Humanity is neutral in matters of righteousness and have no inclination towards sin. Lucifer rejected the plan and rebelled.

14 What do Mormons Believe?
Salvation: To become god How to achieve exaltation: Believe in the LDS Jesus Believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet Be baptized into the LDS Church Comply with everything God commanded Participate in secret temple ceremonies

15 What do Mormons Believe?
Temple Rituals: Includes a marriage ceremony for now and all eternity. One can be baptized for those who have died In Mormon belief, baptism can save your dead ones.

16 What do Mormons Believe?
Heaven/Hell: Everybody either goes to Paradise or Spirit Prison Only Valient Latter Day Saints go to Paradise, every one else goes to Spirit Prison. Missionaries from Paradise go to Spirit Prison to witness to those who have never heard the gospel (the one restored by Joseph Smith) Every is eventually released from Spirit Prison and is physically reunited with their bodies.

17 What do Mormons Believe?
Three Degrees of Heaven: Telestial - For “liars, sorcerers, adulterers and whoremongers” Even though the lowest degree, still a place of indescribable glory. Terrestrial - for honorable people but deceived or those not valient Celestial - This is where all serious Mormons want to go. This degree is divided into three levels. The highest level is for those married in the temple. These will go on to become “Eternal Fathers” and “Eternal Mothers” of their own planet and fill it with their own spirit children.

18 Resources All information for this Powerpoint was taken from and credit to James Walker for the summary of beliefs.

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