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Chapter 1 The Enterprise of Chemistry

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1 Chapter 1 The Enterprise of Chemistry
Honors Chemistry Chapter 1 The Enterprise of Chemistry

2 What is CHEMISTRY? The study of the structure and properties of matter
OR The study of the composition of matter and the changes it undergoes Matter – anything that has mass and occupies space

Living and nonliving things are made of matter.

4 There is a close relationship between the structure and properties of matter.
Diamond is hard because of its structure.

5 CHEMISTS Solve problems involving matter.
Develop new materials by putting chemicals together to get a substs. w/ particular properties.

6 CHEMISTS (in general) Work w/ chemical engineer to produce the material. Together they develop a production process. Study diverse materials & use all sciences.

7 Chemical Engineers Work with chemists to design, build, & operate chemical plants.

8 5 Areas of Study in Chemistry
Organic Chemistry – the study of all chemicals containing carbon most chemicals found in organisms contain carbon Inorganic Chemistry – the study of chemicals that do not contain carbon found mostly in nonliving things

9 5 Areas of Study in Chemistry
Biochemistry – the study of processes that take place in organisms ie – muscle contraction and digestion Analytical Chemistry – the area of study that focuses on the composition of matter

10 5 Areas of Study in Chemistry
Physical Chemistry – deals with the mechanisms, the rate, and the energy transfer that occurs when matter undergoes a change

11 Pure Chemistry the pursuit of chemical knowledge for its own sake
no immediate practical use is expected

12 Applied chemistry research directed toward a practical goal or application Pure research can lead directly to an application, but an application can exist before research is done to explain how it works read p. 9

13 Value Judgement Facts in nature, or science, are neither good nor bad.
It is how these facts are used than may be judged good or bad. Value Judgement - Personal interpretation of facts in weighing the benefits of a scientific application vs. the risks.

14 Theory An explanation of a phenomenon
Principles, facts, & theories are the foundations of chemistry.

15 What is a chemical? EVERYTHING

16 MATTER Anything that has the prop. of inertia.
Anything that has mass & occupies space.

17 INERTIA A prop. of matter that is a resistance to any change in motion. a change in direction, rate, or both

18 ENERGY A prop. possessed by all matter which can be made to do work.
The capacity to do work.

19 2 General Forms of Energy
Potential Energy - energy due to position - depends on the position of an object Due to gravitational or electrostatic attraction P.E. = mgh Kinetic Energy - energy possessed by an object bec. of its motion K.E. = 1/2 mv2

20 Energy can be transferred betw. 2 objects in 2 ways
Direct Contact Ex. - pool balls Electromagnetic waves -RADIANT ENERGY - energy tranferred by electromagnetic waves Ex. - sunlight

21 Energy can be transformed from one kind to another.
When matter undergoes change, energy is transferred.

22 Law of Conservation of Mass
- Matter is always conserved - Matter is neither created or destroyed - only changes form

23 Law of Conservation of Energy
- Energy is always conserved. - Total amt. in universe is constant.

24 Both Laws believed true until...
EINSTEIN matter energy energy matter E = mc2 matter and energy are equivalent

The sum of mass and energy is conserved. Matter and energy can be changed from one form to another.

26 1.2 Chemistry Far and Wide Chemistry can be found in all aspects of life. The following are examples of a few: READ THIS SECTION!

27 Materials Chemists design materials to meet specific needs

28 Different ways of looking at the world
Macroscopic world – large enough to see with the unaided eye Microscopic world – can only be seen under magnification

29 Energy Chemists play an essential role in finding ways to conserve, produce, and store energy

30 Medicine and Biotechnology
Chemistry supplies the medicines, materials, and technology that doctors use to treat their patients Biotechnology applies science to the production of biological products or processes

31 Agriculture Chemists help to develop more productive crops and safer, more effective ways to protect crops

32 The Environment Chemists help to identify pollutants and prevent pollution Pollutant – material found in air, water, or soil that is harmful to humans or other organisms

33 The Universe To study the universe, chemists gather data from afar and analyze matter that is brought back to Earth

34 CONSUMER PRODUCTS Products of chem. industry for sale in stores
ex. aspirin, gasoloine, detergent, etc.

35 INTERMEDIATES Come from raw materials and are made into other intermediates or consumer products ex. sulfuric acid, unrefined sugar Sulfuric acid is a major industrial chemical and is used as an intermediate in hundreds of other industries.

36 RAW MATERIALS Materials found in nature.
ex. oil, wood, salt Raw materials are made into intermediates and then consumer products.

37 Problem-solving processes used in science:
OBSERVATION - made w/ the senses HYPOTHESIS - proposed explanation based on observations EXPERIMENT- tests hypothesis MODELS - used to help explain abstract ideas or objects.

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