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Presented by (May 4, 2015): Sanat K. Bhowmik Director

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1 Preparatory Workshop for the National Consultations in view of the World Humanitarian Summit
Presented by (May 4, 2015): Sanat K. Bhowmik Director COAST Trust, Bangladesh

2 Background In September 2013, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called for the first ever World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) to be held in Istanbul in 2016. The summit aims to set out a future agenda -to make humanitarian action more effective, inclusive, accountable, and -overall, a better fit for a changing world. Before the Summit eight regional consultations with national governments, humanitarian organizations, community responders / affected populations, private sector and other partners are being held.

3 Background The last of these regional consultations, covering 16 countries in South and Central Asia (SCA), will take place during July 29-31, 2015 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The countries of South and Central Asia are: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The World Humanitarian Summit will be held in Istanbul in May 2016. The process is being managed by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

4 Our Objectives for this workshop
To form a temporary alliance/working group with the local and national NGOs who are working in the field of Humanitarian Activism. To conduct the focus group consultations in the different parts of the country To take preparation for the national seminar on May 25/26, 2015 in Dhaka.

5 Objectives of Regional Consultation
To draw out Bangladesh Perspectives To take stock of Bangladesh Progress and Lessons for Humanitarian Actions To find ways of addressing the humanitarian needs

6 Four thematic areas for discussion
Humanitarian Effectiveness Reducing Vulnerability and Managing Risk Transformation through Innovation Serving the Needs of People in Conflict

7 Methodology for Consultations
Consultation with the participation of affected community people, front line staff, local government representatives, CSO and other government officials. Filling up questionnaires for affected community group and affected individual person

8 Field consultation and filling up questionnaires by May 14, 2015.
Datelines-Proposed Field consultation and filling up questionnaires by May 14, 2015. Report preparation and questionnaire compilation and sending by May 20, 2015. National seminar, synthesis and compilation of national report by May 28, 2015. Sending the national report and questionnaires by May 29, 2015 to

9 Thanks to all ?

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